Employment Law – What Makes a Good Employment Lawyer

Employment lawyers are helpful to both employers and employees throughout all stages of their relationship.

When choosing the employment lawyer that’s right for you, there are several factors to consider and the decision can be intimidating.

Good Employment Lawyer

Below are a few traits to look for when choosing an employment lawyer: 

Employment lawyers need to have a client-centered practice

Every lawyer needs to have a client-centered practice – however, this isn’t always the case. Potential clients can judge this for themselves by paying attention to several areas: communication skills, supportiveness, availability, and results orientation. 

Strong communication skills are essential when choosing an employment lawyer. The law can be very complex and confusing, with new cases continually shaping and changing established precedent. It’s essential that your employment lawyer effectively communicates all applicable legal matters to you in a manner that you can understand. Your partnership is key, and it will not flourish when there is confusion on the nuances of your case. 

Employment law can be difficult and emotionally challenging for an employee. A client needs to feel assured that their lawyer supports them and understands the turmoil they may be experiencing. 

A client can usually tell from the first consultation if their lawyer will show compassion and sensitivity as they work towards creating a powerful outcome. 

The employment lawyer should have a good reputation

Since employment law is a niche area with frequent changes and evolving precedents, especially in light of the pandemic, it’s very important to know that your lawyer and their firm have a good reputation. Specifically, a good employment lawyer should have sound experience, honesty, organization, and most importantly, integrity.

In employment law, cases are decided based on a unique fact pattern, and sometimes one or two variables can change the outcome of any case. That’s why your lawyer and their firm need to have a wide variety of experience in employment law matters. 

It’s important for your employment lawyer to be honest about your chances of success. Your lawyer should always inform you of the possible positives and negatives of your case. 

Consider looking at a lawyer’s online presence to get a good idea of their experience. For example: 

Stephen Gleave is a senior trial and arbitration lawyer in the field of labor and employment law. He has 30 years of experience under his belt, including over 50 trials, 300 labor and commercial arbitrations, and 50 labor and civil injunctions. Gleave is an ideal example of an employment lawyer with the proper demeanor, background and experience. 

The employment lawyer has to be able to adapt

Lastly, the employment lawyer has to be adaptable to any issues that come up during litigation. Adaptability requires a lawyer to be flexible and nimble. Litigation often unfolds on a long timeline, and myriad different issues can arise that require the employment lawyer to modify their tactics to achieve a reasonable settlement for their client. The employment lawyer has to be ready and prepared with all of the relevant facts and laws that apply to each case to get the best outcome for their clients.