3 Reasons Your House Isn’t Selling

home is not selling

As a homeowner who is looking to sell, you might think you have all the power. After all, home buyers are often fighting one another to buy houses, especially if yours has a lot of desirable features.

So there’s nothing more disheartening than listing your seemingly perfect house only to have it sit there for months with no takers.

Well, there are reasons for that, maybe things you never even considered. So, here they are: three reasons your house isn’t selling.

1. You Priced It Too High

We get it. People think highly of their houses. They know they cared for them for all those years, and they even fixed them up before selling. But if you priced your home too highly, you’re locking out all kinds of buyers.

Knowing the value of your house is one thing. Overpricing it is another. You can use a seller closing costs calculator to determine what you’ll pay in closing costs at the sale, and you can take this into consideration, but don’t go too high, or you might be waiting a long time.

2. Your Photos Are Bad

Appearance isn’t everything, but it sure is a lot. If your house’s listing photos online were not professionally taken, and your house appears dark, dingy, and uninviting, then you may have a hard time even getting any prospective buyers to show up for a tour.

People look for houses online. That means one of the first things they’re seeing is your photo set. Clean the house, make it look presentable, and then get some real photos online. Whether you hire a professional is up to you, but just make the photos the best images you can possibly take.

3. You Have No Curb Appeal

The other thing buyers like to do aside from looking for houses online is to look at houses from the street. They do drive-bys to see how the house fits in with the street and overall neighborhood.

Buyers will be looking at the siding, the roof, the front porch, the distance from other houses, the front-yard vegetation, and anything else that can be seen from a car on the street.

If you have let any of these things go, if your siding is falling off, or if your vegetation is overgrown, you may have an especially hard time selling your house. People will see that unkempt look and assume many other bad things about your house. Make everything look nice before listing your home.

Following these guidelines can help lead to that big sale you’ve been anticipating. It may take some time still, but a little patience goes a long way.

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