5 Essential Qualities of a Registered Nurse

This post was last updated on March 14th, 2024

Deciding which profession to pursue is a difficult challenge, especially with no context on the features and benefits a particular profession may offer versus another. These days, more young people are attracted to careers in healthcare, especially nursing. However, before diving into the world of nursing, there are a few necessary qualities that one must possess beforehand.

Five most important among them are listed below.

1. Relevant Education

Education forms the backbone of every profession. To excel in a profession or to qualify for a job in a particular field, the procurement of the required degree is extremely important. There is a host of universities that provide nursing education and degrees, and a high percentage that offer nursing education online.

If you’re at the start of your career, or even mid-career, it can be difficult to know where to start, which nursing concentration to choose, how long each program takes, how much it costs, etc. 

Global Health Education exists as a “virtual mentor” to assist you in finding the right online nursing program at the right online university. Our network of universities and healthcare employers can help you get on the right track with your nursing career from the start. Read How to Choose the Right Online Nursing Degree Program? for more information. 

2. Deduction and Induction

Registered nurses need to possess competitive deductive and inductive thinking skills. Nurses need to prepare themselves to critically think and assess a particular situation before implementing a healthcare plan for a patient. An online nursing degree will prepare you for an array of clinical scenarios and, depending on your nursing concentration, train you to make proper diagnoses and to communicate effectively with your patients and their families.  

3. Time and Energy Management

New nurses are often given day and night duties simultaneously or alternatively as a test of their dedication and commitment to the profession. This is also an effective way to test time and energy management skills. 

4. Human Pain and Suffering

It takes a lot of courage and patience to treat a patient especially when he or she is badly wounded, diseased or is undergoing major surgery. Therefore, people who wish to pursue a career in nursing must be able to maintain a healthy professional distance and strong will when dealing with serious cases. 

5. Institutional Politics

In a profession like nursing, institutional politics are unavoidable. More senior nurses can clash with junior nurses and vice versa. This sometimes can create an unhealthy working atmosphere. A new nurse must be able to navigate the inevitable politics of his/her healthcare organization and/or nursing ward with tact and skill. 

Average nursing salaries can vary depending on concentration, and the requirements of each nursing field can differ widely. GlobalHealth Education exists to assist you in your nursing journey as a “virtual mentor.” Our wide network of healthcare university partners and healthcare employers is available to you – reach out today. 


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