5 Home Colour Options to Keep an Eye on in 2018

This post was last updated on December 5th, 2023

Home Colour Options

Our homes are the place where we spend most of our time. It is, in fact, a reflection of our personality and our ideas. The theme and the vibe of our home also affect our mood and thought process. A bright and beautiful home uplifts our mood whereas dark and gloomy colors enervate us. Therefore, it is essential to design our homes in the manner which is beneficial to our well-being and since the colors are the most important element of home designing, this is a guide to keep an eye for the most sought-after colors.

If you wish to receive personal advice to find the color which suits your choice, New Castle’s Burnaby Painters are the experts who will find the best colors choices customized for your taste.

1. Red

Red is the color which uplifts your mood and rejuvenates your heart to perform your task and achieve your goals. The various shades of red, especially crimson are the new favorite among the home designers to paint your home. Red is also alternated with white colors to liven the vibe of the house. This color is the best for those who prefer bold colors instead of neutrals and pastel whites.

2. Ocean Blue

Ocean blue is a color which has a relaxing and refreshing effect. Ocean blue is a perfect match to paint your home if you alternate it with white on the walls or the furniture. The aesthetic look of the room is also the perfect paint for your room if it has a beach view or has proximity with the beach. The color also brightens the room during the daytime by the single. This is also a perfect space to add a few plants to complete the uplifting look of the room.

3. Seafoam green

The seafoam green is both vibrant and soothing color of the eye. Seafoam green is considered to be the most peaceful color for the eye and the mind. The color is perfect to pair with yellow. It is the most suited for the kitchen room of the house. It will be a perfect complement to the colorful crockery of the house. Also, an adjoining dining room with an oak furniture is also a compliment to brighten the room.

4. Black and grey

Black and grey is the next unique color which is the most sought-after color in the next year. The unconventional choice of the black color or grey is perfect to create a contrasting and elegant look to the room. This should be matched with conversion or white furniture to balance the different lights in the room. Also, black and grey are perfect to create a look if you wish to pop up any color. So, pink furniture will instantly pop up in the room which has a black background. This is certainly a choice for creative and dynamic personalities.

5. Pink

Pink is the most favorite of children and women. However, the right shade of the pink is imperative to choose so that is suits your home. The color is perfect to soothe the mind and body after a long and a tiresome day. Lighter shades of the color also create a romantic and picturesque look of the room.

For rest, you just need to contact the New Castle’s Burnaby Painters and you will get the best solution for all your requirements.


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