5 Home Remedies for Bee Stings

remedies for bee stings

For some, a bee sting is a painful experience that irritates for several days. For others, it causes an allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. In this instance, urgent medical treatment must be obtained. 

Whether you have an allergic reaction or not, it’s a good idea to have the number of your local pest control company handy. They can safely remove the bees and prevent you from getting stung.

Of course, this doesn’t help if you get stung while you’re waiting for the hove to be removed! You may not even realize that you have a bee issue.

That’s why you need to know the best 5 home remedies for bee stings.

1. Ice

One of the simplest, and most effective, methods of reducing the pain of a sting is to place ice on the affected area. An ice pack or frozen vegetables wrapped in a tea towel will be perfect. 

It is advisable to wash the area first as this removes any bee venom that has been left behind. Then, simply place the ice pack against the affected area and hold for several minutes. 

It will reduce blood flow to the area, lowering your sensation of pain and preventing swelling.

2. Essential Oils

Essential oils, such as tea tree, witch hazel, and lavender all contain antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. 

Mix one drop of the essential oil with 5 drops of olive oil and apply it directly to your skin.

3. Honey

Honey has been used for many years in the treatment of a variety of health issues. It is very effective at dealing with the pain of a bee sting. Simply apply a little honey directly to your skin. It covers the wound and speeds healing. At the same time, it will prevent infection. 

But, add honey inside, you don’t want to attract more bees!

4. Aloe Vera

Surprisingly, Aloe Vera gel is very effective at soothing a bee sting and moisturizing the affected area. It also reduces the likelihood of inflammation and infection. 

Just pick up a tub of the gel and apply it directly to your skin.

5. Calamine Lotion

This is a common solution for itchy skin and research suggests it can help with the pain and itchiness caused by bee stings.  Simply apply a little of the lotion directly to the sting and leave. 

This is best to apply as the sting becomes itchy, not when you are first stung. 

Don’t forget, the ultimate remedy to a bee sting is not to get stung in the first place. This means being mindful of where the bees are in your garden and getting them dealt with by a professional before they are an issue. 

You can click here to contact a local professional and have the bees removed or killed before you enjoy your garden. Just remember, bees are important to the environment, it’s best to get the professionals to move them intact and allow them to be released elsewhere. 


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