5 Key Guidelines for Visual Web Design

Guidelines for Visual Web Design

1. Remember the main goal

As a web designer, your job is to evoke the essence of a company in the aesthetic of its web page.

Take for example Apple, when you imagine an Apple product you can remember sleek and straightforward design. That is precisely the feeling that you get from the Apple web page.

Identify the critical components of a company, and what values it wants to represent, this way you will express the companies intentions in a better way.

2. Decide on a good mood

The mood of the web page is key to transmitting what a company is all about, remember to ask for words or phrases that might define a company.

This way you can get a good idea of what they intend for a customer to feel when they visit your site.

A mood can also be defined by the color pallet, the logo or the brand you are working with can give you an idea of what you are looking for.

A consistent color palette gives the potential prospect of company confidence, remember that good practices are implemented for a reason.

3. Pick wisely your fonts

A good font selection can really affect the perception of a website, no one wants to see times new roman on any site nowadays.

It can be a big difference in bounce rate or SEO ranking, so please do not take this task lightly.

Take a good look at google fonts every once in a while, make a list of your favorites, when the time comes you will have the perfect fit for your current project.

4. Implement responsive web design!

Making a responsive design means that buttons and elements have to look good on any device, consider making any changes necessary.

Mobile devices are ever more relevant in the current industry, becoming the main platform that consumers use daily.

Your website has to look even better than the desktop version!

Responsive web design helps with resource consumption, there is no duplicate content stored on a separate website for mobile.

Duplicate content is known to hurt SEO rating, so please stay away from the old fashioned approach and make your website responsive.

5. How about a sketch?

Many designers might make a sketch on paper before starting to work.

Why waste iterations on a design tool ore CSS code when you can see ideas unfold in a piece of paper?

This isn’t a technique for everyone, but it’s one worth trying out.

Who knows, if your good drawing you can even show a customer your sketch, and get approval beforehand.


There are many ways to streamline your workflow, tips and tricks are all over the internet.

The important thing to remember is always to try new things, your workflow can always be improved somehow, give your mind the opportunity to explore new possibilities.


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