6 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Root Canal

Before Getting A Root Canal

A root canal may sound like a scary procedure, but it is one of the most common dental procedures. A root canal is necessary when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected. The pulp is the soft tissue inside a tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. The infection can spread to the bone and other teeth if left untreated. A root canal is a procedure that removes the infected pulp from a tooth. The tooth is then cleaned and sealed with a filling. Most people report little to no pain after a root canal. Root canals are often less painful than removing the infected tooth altogether. If you think you need a root canal, make sure you talk to a specialist in root canal Bellevue. Here are six essential things you should know before beginning treatment.

1. You May Need it For Different Reasons.

A root canal may be necessary for different reasons. The most common cause is when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected. However, you may also require a root canal if you have a cracked or fractured tooth or extensive decay.

2. It is Not as Painful as You May Think

One of the biggest concerns people have about root canals is the pain. However, most people report little to no pain after a root canal. Many people find the procedure less painful than having the infected tooth removed. If you experience pain, your dentist will likely prescribe pain medication to help you through the procedure.

3. You May Need a Temporary Filling

A root canal is not a quick procedure. It can take several hours to complete. To protect the tooth while being treated, your dentist may need to place a temporary filling in the tooth. The temporary filling will keep the tooth from becoming infected while the root canal is performed.

4. You May Experience Swelling

After a root canal, you may experience some swelling. This is normal and should go away within a few days. If the swelling does not go away, it may be due to an infection. Contact your dentist immediately if you experience swelling after a root canal.

5. You May Need a Crown

A root canal is not enough to save the tooth in some cases. If the pulp is severely damaged or there is significant decay in the tooth, your dentist may recommend a crown. A crown is a dental restoration that covers the entire tooth. It is used to protect the tooth from further damage and restore its function and appearance.

6. You Need to Take Steps to Protect Your Tooth After a Root Canal

Once your root canal is complete, it is important to protect your tooth. This includes brushing and flossing regularly and avoiding hard or sticky foods. You may also need to see your dentist for regular check-ups. By following these tips, you can keep your teeth healthy and infection-free.

In summary, a root canal is a necessary procedure when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected. It is not as painful as you may think, and most people report little to no pain after the procedure. You may need a temporary filling, swelling may occur, and you may need a crown in some cases. By taking steps to protect your tooth after a root canal, you can keep it healthy and infection-free.


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