8 Things You Need Before You Dive Into Surfing

Surfing is an exciting sport that is loved alike by people across the globe. Many enthusiasts travel to seaside destinations to enjoy the thrill of riding the ocean waves. As you are driven by the fascination with surfing, it is important to deck up a few things that will make your experience more amusing and safe. 

Things You Need Before Dive Into Surfing

Apart from softboards at Freeride Surf and Skate every surfer, experienced or novice needs a bunch of things for the flowless delightful expedition. The only difference between a beginner and a seasoned surfer is the skills and knowledge about the gears and experience one has. 

To fill this knowledge gap for first-timers and help them go surfing more confidently, we enlist a few essentials for surfing.

#1. Surfboards

Now, this is obvious that you will need a surfboard before hitting the ocean. However, the market is flooded with different types of surfboards, each with different properties and suitability. 

It can be perplexing and overwhelming for newcomers to find the best board. You often learn about the board that fits your need with experience. But as a general rule, beginners should take bigger, longer, or foam board. These provide more stability and mitigate the impact when you fall.

#2. Surf fins

Once you check the box for a surfboard, the next in queue is the surf fin. Surf fin is instrumental to achieving better stability and drive as you race on the water. You can choose from multiple options like a single fin, twin fin, and even a five-fin set up for your board.

#3. Leashes

Falling is a part of surfing and so is a risk of injury. One thing that can save you when falling in the water is a surf leash or surf rope. It is a rope built with mild elasticity that keeps you tethered to your board. In case of a fall this simple and inexpensive gear can be a lifesaver.

#4. Wax and traction pads

You can easily slip or slide off your surfboard. However, applying surf wax on the deck of the board provides you with more friction and prevents slipping. Alternatively, if you want more style and have a decent budget, you can replace wax with a traction pad.

#5. Sun protection

Whether you are surfing in warm water or cold water, sun protection is essential. Ocean water along with the sharp sun is a disastrous combination for your skin. Most surfers face sunburn which can be pretty serious at times. Never forget to apply sunscreen before going surfing.

#6. Earplugs

Surfer’s ear is a common condition that is painful and can cause infection. Surfers are often exposed to water and cold wind for a long time. This results in abnormal growth of bone inside the ear canal called a surfer’s ear. A gear as simple and inexpensive as an earplug can save you a lot of pain.

#7. Surfboard socks

Surfboards are expensive and also prone to scratches and other damage. You will have a surfboard bag, also called surfboard socks to carry on the way or keep on the beachside. It keeps the board from breaking and scratching and extends its life.

#8. Wetsuit

Unlike other pieces of equipment, a wetsuit is often a personal choice. People either choose to buy one or surf shirtless. A wetsuit is a better option in the wet season, it keeps you warm, stays on your body even if you fall, and absorbs a little thrust.


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