Attention Digital Entrepreneurs: 5 Reasons to Relocate to Thailand

Relocate to Thailand

If you are one of the lucky ones who work online and can therefore live anywhere on the planet, Thailand should be at the top of your list of places to reside. We’ve yet to meet a person who visited Thailand and didn’t like the experience, which pretty much sums up the Land of Smiles; tropical climate, low cost of living, food to die for! The list is endless.

Here are a few of the reasons Thailand is top of the digital nomad destination list.

1. The Best Internet

Thailand’s IT infrastructure puts some European countries to shame and 5G is on the horizon; The best Internet package for the entrepreneur is an unlimited Internet SIM package that boasts 4 mbps speeds and what’s more, the carrier covers the entire country. This allows you to hotspot your laptop and have hi-speed connectivity and this would set you back about $35 a month.

2. Low Cost of Living

It doesn’t get much cheaper than Thailand and when compared to the US or Europe, you can save while living in a tropical paradise. This is one of the main reasons to relocate to Southeast Asia and with the best Internet on the continent, Thailand is the obvious choice. For long term visas, make contact with a top immigration lawyer in Thailand and they can handle everything; overstaying your visa in Thailand can have serious consequences that can lead to being blacklisted.

3. Choice of Climates

We all associate Thailand with white sandy beaches, coconut trees and clear blue water, yet the north offers a mountainous environment which is much cooler and for many expats, Chiang Mai ticks all the boxes. If you’re a city person, Bangkok offers much and there’s a huge digital nomad population spread across this amazing metropolis, so you’ll meet lots of like-minded people.

4. Travel

If you have the right mobile Internet package, you can spend a couple of weeks in Bangkok to acclimatize, then head south and spend a month (or 6) on a tropical beach and before the rainy season arrives, take the train to the northern city of Chiang Mai and spend the winter there. All the while you are enjoying new surroundings, your business will not suffer as you have instant Internet access from your smartphone. Who wouldn’t like to work on a tropical beach? Thanks to the best IT infrastructure in Asia, you can enjoy travel and keep on top of your business and that costs less than $50 a month! Check out the Tourism Authority of Thailand for info on all the top attractions.

5. Cheap Manufacturing

Regardless of what products you sell, there will be a manufacturer in Thailand and living there allows you to cultivate a strong relationship with your suppliers. If you happen to be in the garment industry, Bangkok has hundreds of clothing factories that can create your brand, while most textiles can be found, along with sterling silver jewelry.

If you have yet to experience the Land of Smiles, book a holiday and be prepared for an assault on all the senses. There are very good reasons why Thailand is the top go-to destination for digital entrepreneurs, so take the plunge and see what the fuss is all about.


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