Benefits of a Well Woman Exam

Well Woman Exam

A well-woman exam is the first step in establishing a regular checkup with your doctor. It is an opportunity for you to be screened for signs of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and other diseases. A well woman exam Dallas helps you stay healthy and feel confident. You can ask questions about your health and treatment options during your visit. You will also meet with your provider to discuss any concerns or questions.

The benefits of a well-woman exam are many. It is essential to understand that when you get your annual exam, you are getting more than just a visit to the gynecologist.

The benefits of a well-woman exam include:

Testing for STDs and pregnancy

A yearly physical exam is not just about your general health. It is also an opportunity to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. The same goes for pregnancy testing, which will help you plan if you want to have a future baby.

Looking at your hormones and menstrual cycle

The first thing that a well woman exam does is look at your hormones and menstrual cycle. That allows your doctor to see if there are any changes from one cycle to another and make sure that everything is in working order. It is vital if you have a history of irregular periods or problems with fertility that you discuss this with your doctor. Your doctor will note any changes in your body so they can be treated accordingly.

Checking for cervical cancer using Pap tests

A Pap test, also called a Pap smear, is a simple test that checks for abnormal cells on the cervix. The Pap test is done with a small brush that collects cells from the cervix and sends them to a lab for analysis. A good doctor can tell you what type of cells they are looking for and what level of abnormal cell counts constitute abnormal cells so that they can give you the appropriate treatment or follow-up care if necessary.

Receiving medical advice on your overall health and care

The doctor will ask questions about your overall health and discuss any concerns about your health or body parts with you to advise on how best to take care of yourself based on their expertise in this area. That will enable them to give better care and preventative measures needed for you to stay healthy and happy throughout your life.

Preparing for future pregnancies

The doctor will check for problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, which may increase your risk for complications during pregnancy or delivery. Your doctor may also offer suggestions on maintaining good nutrition during pregnancy and what changes you should make after giving birth so that you can continue living a healthy lifestyle after having a baby.

A well woman exam aims to screen for signs of physical problems and disease, such as cancer, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), depression, diabetes, and heart disease. It also helps determine any signs that your baby may develop problems with its growth and development. If you believe there is a problem with your health or your child’s health, contact JAM Wellness Clinics to schedule an appointment with a physician.


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