Comparium: A Quick Review of The App

This post was last updated on January 14th, 2020

Quick Review of The Comparium App

Anyone who designs website or a mobile application knows how important it is to make the application compatible with all platforms. If the user tries to access your website or mobile application and he has to jump from one browser to another to open your website, he will likely lose interest. That is not desirable for anyone who wants to increase their web traffic. However, what the user does not know, is that the website is not necessarily broken, but is not compatible with all websites. Every browser works in its own way and it might simply lack the features that enables it load your website. However, in practicality, it will come off to the user as your website’s flaw. That is why you need cross web testing.

What is QA?

The QA is an abbreviation of Quality Assurance. It is a process that allows you to verify that the developed software meets the standards that were set at design stage. The standards can be an industry wide standard and the requirements for a specific project in the field of implemented functions, compatibility with target platforms, resistance to load etc.

Quality assurance is the one process that guarantees 100% assurance on the quality of the software. If you are looking for QA to test your software or URL, Comparium is the app you need. It does the quality assurance for you by checking the compatibility of your software/URL.

What is Cross web testing?

Cross web testing is the method of testing a particular website or mobile application in multiple websites to make sure it runs on all the browsers and operating systems smoothly. It will thus enable you to fix the bugs faced by users on different browsers and also improve user experience. It will enhance the performance of your URL and enhance its efficiency. Cross web testing is also done to detect possible pitfalls. Cross web testing is generally done by QA team or any other team.

What Is Comparium?

Comparium is the app that does cross web testing for you for any browser, operating systems or any other platforms within minutes. The biggest perk is that it saves a lot of time and money which you can then invest to develop other projects. It provides you the basis needed to test your website.

Features of Comparium

The out of box features of Comparium helps you to do the cross web testing have popularized it among developers. The features are discussed here.

  • Comparium lets you perform cross web testing on any browser OS easily and within minutes. You do not have to test them manually. Thus it will save your time and money.
  • It supports almost all operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 10, Mac OS X Mojave etc.
  • Comparium lets you receive online reports of tests. You only need the URL and your email and screenshots of the test result will be sent to you via email.


If you are looking for Quality Assurance app, Comparium is the best you can get.


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