Diseases Transmitted by Insects and Pests

diseases transmitted by insects

There are many different pests that can invade your home and cause you stress, as well as health concerns. 

Not all pests carry diseases but many of them do. That’s why it’s so important that you have the number of your local pest control company handy. If you think you have a pest issue then you need to take action quickly. The sooner you call in the experts the faster the problem can be resolved, protecting your ongoing health.

Here are some of the most common pests and the disease they carry:


These annoying little creatures generally make a humming sound, but only when they are already very close to you. Although there are different species of mosquito they all bite to feed on blood, this then allows the female to lay larvae in stagnant water sources.

You may not feel their bite and over half of their bites are done through your clothing! 

Depending on the species they are known to carry malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya virus, Japanese encephalitis, and even lymphatic filariasis.


Flies are generally a nuisance although most of them do not bite you. The largest fly, the horsefly is generally an exception to this. Their bites can be painful and can transmit disease.

Usually, the bigger issue with flies is their liquid diet means they are constantly disposing of waste. Whenever they land on a surface they can pass on one of many diseases.

These include cholera, typhoid, tularemia, dysentery, diarrhea, and an array of helminth infections. 


Ticks hide in long grass and climb onto animals and humans as you walk past. They will then sink their teeth in and suck your blood. In the process they’ll transfer any bacteria they are carrying. This gives them the opportunity to pass you Lyme disease, tick-borne meningoencephalitis, Q fever, relapsing fever, tularemia, babesiosis, and a host of other diseases.

They are not something you want hanging n your body for too long. But, you need to remove ticks carefully to ensure you get the entire tick. Leaving any part of them in you can cause a serious infection. 


Many people associate cockroaches with dirt but they are actually clean animals, merely attracted to places where food waste is available. 

Unfortunately, they can carry an array of diseases, these include salmonellosis, E.coli, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, leprosy, and listeriosis.

That’s why you need to click here and get your pest control professionals to help you eliminate these pests if you discover them at home.


These are another pest that commonly affects your pets. But, if there is no pet t bite they’ll settle for human contact. Fleas are capable of carrying and spreading several diseases. These include bubonic plague, murine typhus, tularemia, and tungiasis.

You can find out more about all the diseases but the best starting point is to talk to your pest control experts. They can tell you which pests are most common and how to protect your home from them. 


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