How Does a Phoenix Criminal Lawyer Offer Defense Against Drug Crime Charges

This post was last updated on March 10th, 2022

Phoenix Lawyer

The state of Arizona has stringent punishment for drug crimes. However, at times you are wrongly accused by the authorities. Sometimes, the user, especially one visiting out of the state, might not even know that they are not meant to possess certain drugs. They become unwitting victims and find it hard to get out of the problem. 

However, a Phoenix criminal attorney will be able to help you defend yourself. They know about the various categories of offence regarding drug use and drug possession and will be able to defend you if you are wrongfully accused. Here is how they can help you. 

The state of Arizona is quite unyielding when it comes to drug crime laws. The laws are also very intricate and can implicate anyone if they used drugs or even prescription medications unlawfully. The Phoenix attorney will help you navigate through these laws and help you understand where you stand. Here you can check for the best Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer.

  • Right Evaluation

Given the nature of the case and the evidence gathered against you, the lawyer should be able to give you an honest evaluation. False hope has never done anyone any good, and they will say what your chances in winning the case are. Given that Arizona laws are so strict, they often tell you what they will be able to do for you at the very beginning. 

  • Acquiring your Story

An experienced Phoenix attorney will not just look at the facts and evidence on the paper. They listen to your story and ask you about even those details you might have left out assuming they were unimportant. They will listen to your concerns and ask you pertinent questions to develop facts that they can use in your defence when representing you. 

  • Negotiate Charges

Although Arizona drug laws are stringent, the Phoenix attorney will still negotiate your charges and make sure you get lesser penalties. They might convince the judge to see the charges in a new light and change the offences’ category, giving you a lighter sentence or even a complete acquittal. Even if you are charged, they will apply for your bail or will help you build a strong plea deal. 

  • Emotional Support

The Phoenix attorney will stay by your side and defend your rights during a trial. They will be with you for every hearing and come up with a defence strategy after every date. The attorney will also appeal the court’s decision. In the process, they will let you know which tests should you go through to determine that your drug use has been minimal or within limits. The ordeal of going through the trial can be immense, and the lawyer will provide the emotional support you need at this point.

For all the reasons mentioned above, if you find yourself accused of drug charges in and around Phoenix, seek a good lawyer. Considering anything you say could be held against you in court, you should start your case with a Phoenix criminal lawyer by your side to increase your chances of winning. 


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