How to Identify Pest Infestation in Georgetown Houses?

Pest Infestation

Pest infestation in Georgetown houses can lead to a variety of problems, such as droppings or other signs on the floor, rustling in wall spaces or underneath the eaves, and an odor coming from the outside of your home. 

One way is by contacting a professional exterminator for advice and recommendations on how best to solve the problem. The sooner you take action against an infestation problem, the better! You can easily do pest control Georgetown with the help of an exterminator by your side.

If you’re not sure whether pest infestation is the cause of your home woes, follow these steps to help narrow down the problem.

1. Check for tiny bugs 

The first step in diagnosing a pest infestation should be to perform a walk-through of your house and look for any tiny bugs scurrying about. Crickets, earwigs, and silverfish are all signs that your house may have become a haven for bug life. Place these bugs in some soapy water or vegetable oil (slow their movement) and see if they float on their backs or not (because they can’t swim). If they do, you’ve got bugs! But if they don’t, you may be dealing with a mouse infestation instead.

2. Look for their feces! 

 If you do find bugs in your home, don’t panic! Look for fecal pellets or droppings left behind them. You may be able to locate these by looking around the baseboards or underneath furniture. To determine whether the droppings are that of a rodent or not, look at their size and color – rodent droppings will be larger and brown in comparison to other bugs’ feces. Remember: A large number of tiny droppings can also indicate a bird infestation.

3. Scrutinize your house for parasites

Pests don’t only come in the form of bugs. They may also be small parasites that cling on to a host. Look out for animals like fleas, ticks, and mites. These critters will leave behind their eggs, or “nits” as they’re called, which can easily be confused with dandruff or lint if you don’t know what you’re looking at!

4. Examine the outside of your house

A suspicious smell is usually one of the first signs that there’s something lurking on your walls. Look for anything suspicious and remove it. If you find any, call your local exterminator to get rid of those pests.

5. Clean the place

When you’ve gotten rid of the pests and the offending particles, clean up the house thoroughly to avoid a repeat occurrence.


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