How to Remove Mold on Your Porch

This post was last updated on April 6th, 2021

Tips to Remove Mold on Porch

Just like trees retain water to grow, wooden porches can soak up rainwater and grow nasty and harmful mold near your home. Remove that mold before it grows into a problem with these simple tips. Choosing the right solution for your porch and knowing the safety steps to take can help safely and quickly remove the mold.


There are many homemade recipes or products for treating mold but to get the job done you should use a trusted product that is designed for the type of wood you have on your porch. Miracle Mist Cleaner is an excellent solution as they have all sorts of products so you can get what is right for you. While mold remover will treat those ugly mold stains, the long term protectant will ensure that they do not come back. Also be aware that if you decide to use bleach, you will only be killing the surface spores as it will not absorb into the wood where the mold establishes its roots.


To protect yourself from mold spores and possibly fumes depending on the cleaning product you use, it is important to wear appropriate protective clothing. Masks can prevent you from inhaling harmful fumes or mold. Gloves and goggles are also a plus to prevent the spores from harming your skin or eyes.


After applying your cleaning solution you will need to scrub it into the wood of your porch. Apply a small amount of your chosen product and use a rag or brush to gently scrub the solution into the wood. If your wood is finished be careful to not harm the finishing unless you plan on redoing it afterwards. If you do plan on redoing your finished wood, you can lightly sand the area to get into the roots of the mold with your cleaning solution.


After allowing the product to sit for a few minutes clean up the area and dispose or clean the rag or brush that made contact with the mold. If you can ventilate the area do so, and try to keep it warm and dry. After the area is dry make sure that all the mold has been removed, if not you should repeat the scrubbing step to make sure it does not come back. If you need to redo the protective coating of finished wood, do so after this step.


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