How to Treat Obesity?

Tips to Treat Obesity

Obesity is a chronic disease and its causes vary. If not treated, it may lead to serious health issues, or even death.

Obesity is a plague of our times as a sedentary lifestyle is common. The obesity is supported by lack of physical activity and high-calorie diet devoid of true nutrients. Obesity is often underestimated – persons who decide to treat it often do this for aesthetic reasons and are not aware of health complications arising from excess weight.

Diet + movement

There is no general remedy for obesity. The treatment should be adapted on a case-by-case basis, to personal capabilities, fitness, health, sex, age and many other variables. If you change your diet and fail to consult a specialist, you may experience unfavorable results. Obesity treatment is long, time-consuming and requires you to be determined. Healthy and effective treatment lets you lose 1kg a week at first, and then 0,5 kg. Any so-called fad diets which promise instant results in 2-3 weeks do not work. Indeed, if you go hungry all the time, you may lose more weight but sooner or later your organism will demand you to supply nutrients – this way you can have yo-yo effect (for more about it, read here: ).

To treat obesity effectively, at first change your eating habits and find some time for physical activity. The amount of calories should be lower than your organism needs. The value may however vary from person to person. This is influenced by such factors as physical fitness, type of job, disease progress and presence of other disorders. For this reason, you must not try to prepare your diet on your own, but consult the doctor or dietitian. The frequency and intensity of your physical activities must be consulted as well.

Other treatment methods

In some cases, apart from changing eating habits and doing sports, pharmacological products are used. In Poland two drugs are used to counteract obesity. One of them makes you feel full every time you have a meal and thus reduces your appetite, while the other prevents bowels from extensive absorption of fats. Yet it is the doctor who decides whether you should take these drugs or not.

In extreme cases a surgery is required. At present three kinds of the surgery are performed in Poland: sleeve gastrectomy, gastric by-pass and placement of gastric band. Each of these surgeries is intended to reduce the size of the stomach, thanks to which the sick may consume less food, as well as „deactivate” part of the organism in which hunger hormone is produced.



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