Lingerie And Self-Esteem – Can Beautiful Underwear Keep You Feeling Young And Sexy?

Is there a connection between lingerie and self-esteem? Can wearing beautiful underwear truly keep you feeling young and sexy? In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at lingerie and the effects that it can have on your mental health and your relationships. 

Wearing nice lingerie can boost your confidence 

If you have fallen out of love with your body recently and you’d like to find a way back to yourself then wearing nice lingerie is a great way to go about it. Even if nobody sees it and you keep your lingerie to yourself, the mere thought of knowing that you have some sexy lingerie on underneath your clothes can make you feel incredibly powerful. This is so important because simply feeling a little bit more comfortable in your own skin can make you appear more physically attractive to others as we tend to walk and talk with greater confidence. 

Express your personal identity 

Again, wearing erotic lingerie doesn’t have to be for anyone else other than yourself. The clothing that you wear tends to be an outward expression of your social identity – something that other people will see. However, what goes on underneath is a personal expression and something that can help you strengthen your connection with yourself as a reflection of your self-identity. 

It’s self-medicating 

Buying and wearing lingerie can also be seen as being a form of self-care as it can give you a morale boost and make you feel more confident in your own skin. This is even more the case when you are buying lingerie for you! It’s an expression of self-love and it is one of the healthiest and most empowering things that you can do for yourself. Just as many women will treat themselves to a manicure, a spa day, or a new wardrobe, buying yourself some gorgeous and erotic lingerie is self-medicating and thus highly recommended! 

Replace external validation with internal validation 

Often the biggest contributing factors to low self-esteem and body consciousness is the thought or fear of what other people think. We judge our bodies on how we think other people believe we should look if we are to be considered beautiful and that can be dangerous. When you buy and wear lingerie it is an act of defiance. So wear some topless lingerie and embrace your breasts as they are in all their beauty. It can give you a gratifying sense of internal validation – the only validation you will lever need! 

Take control 

Buying yourself lingerie and wearing it whenever the occasion takes your fancy puts you in control. It doesn’t have to be for special occasions, in fact; you can wear sexy lingerie every single day if it makes you feel good. That, and you never know what the day ahead is going to bring! Even if you have no desire to take your clothes off, having the knowledge that you are wearing sexy lingerie underneath will make you feel ready for any eventuality. So, should you meet that perfect stranger and one thing lead to another, you will be in control! 


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