Looking to Replace your Flooring? Laminate Ticks All the Boxes

Benefits of Laminate Flooring

The Australian homeowner demands a lot from their flooring and while solid timber and stone are attractive, the high cost puts off a lot of people. If you wanted to rip up the entire downstairs flooring and replace it with seasoned timber, you’d likely have to take out a second mortgage, yet you can have the look of solid timber at a fraction of the cost with laminate flooring. If you hadn’t considered laminate in your flooring choices, here are a few of the benefits that await you when you install laminate flooring.

1. High Level of Durability

Laminate offers excellent durability across the board – scuff, scratch and stain resistant, you couldn’t wish for better properties in a flooring material – and once your floor is installed, high traffic areas will always remain as the other, less walked on areas. The composite material is made up from multilayers and these are criss-crossed over each other, producing a strong board that will not bend or warp.

2. Soft and Silent Underfoot

Some composite flooring involves a degree of movement and consequently, the floor is not always silent when walked upon. This is not the case with laminate flooring, which has a special cork backing and that gives it both softness and silence.

3. Extensive Range of Stunning Finishes

Whether you prefer the timeless look of seasoned oak or the look of real marble, laminate flooring stores can deliver. The secret to the stunning designs is in the high-resolution digital image that is printed onto a thin membrane, which is covered by a protective coating. The list of different timber finishes is indeed long, and includes spotted gum, walnut antique, aged ash and traditional pine finishes of every shade.

4. Zero Movement

Timber will respond to extreme temperature changes with movement, while laminate flooring will remain in place indefinitely, no matter how hot the summer weather. The laminate tiles or planks can be laid onto any substrate and with a special backing, once installed, there is zero movement.

5. Maintenance Free

Unlike a solid timber floor, laminate flooring requires no maintenance. It is stain-free and scuff resistant, making it ideal for heavy traffic areas. The best way to keep a laminate floor clean is to mop with mild detergent and warm water, after a thorough sweep, of course. This will remove any dirt or grime and should the worst happen and someone drops their glass, liquids can simply be mopped up with a sponge and leave no stain.

6. Affordability

The low cost completes the list of attributes that laminate flooring offers and if you would like to explore the potential that this composite material offers, an online search will help you locate a local flooring company, and make sure they are experienced with laminate flooring.

As you can see, laminate flooring ticks all the boxes from a homeowner’s perspective and with such a wide range of finishes, there is something to suit every taste.


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