Middle Managers – 3 Signs You’re Ready to Start Your MBA

Signs You're Ready to Start MBA

If you have been in a middle management position for a while now, you may be beginning to wonder how to know if it is a good time for you to start looking at moving into senior management. If your goal is to eventually take on executive level management roles or even to start your own business, middle management can be a make or break level in your career. 

On the one hand, middle management roles can offer enough challenge, responsibility and a high enough salary that many people are happy to stay at that level long term. On the other, any attempts to move up in your organization will almost certainly be judged heavily on your performance at this level. If you are ambitious about wanting to continue moving up the ladder, choosing the right time and making sure you take advantage of opportunities that come up while you are working in middle management is key.

One thing that a lot of people do during the middle management phase of their career is study for a high level qualification like an MBA in management. This can be a great way to learn the things you’ll need at the next level, show your commitment to moving towards senior roles and also give yourself an edge over other applicants. You can even choose to do an MBA online and work on it alongside your current job, or some companies may allow you to take a sabbatical to do it. But, how do you know the time is right to start making those kinds of moves towards the next stage in your career?

1. You’re Fully Capable in Your Current Role

Managers usually have some period of adjusting to a new level, so if you are still at the stage of your middle management career where you are looking to other managers for mentorship, you probably aren’t quite ready to start moving towards senior level positions and an MBA. If you are the go-to person at your level for newer managers, however, that’s a good sign that you’ve achieved most of what you need to where you currently are.

2. You’re ‘Window Shopping’ on Recruitment Sites

You may not be thinking of leaving your company or applying for a promotion, but you do look at vacancies online and compare yourself to the requirements for higher positions. Maybe you even fantasize a little about doing those jobs or consider applying just to see what happens. These are good signs your mind is already working on getting you to the next level.

3. Your Job Doesn’t Feel Prestigious Anymore

When you are first promoted or move to a new company at a higher position, it’s normal to feel proud of your pay grade or title. But, if being in your current job no longer gives you that feeling of prestige, it’s probably because you’re already comparing yourself to the next level up. 

If you are starting to notice these signs, why not look into starting studying for an online MBA and start working towards your move into senior management?

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