5 of the Most Important Life Decisions You Should Make Sooner Rather Than Later

Life Decisions

Some decisions are so hard to make that we put off making them. This might help us temporarily, but it hurts us in the long run. 

Many of these decisions will greatly impact your future but not your present. That’s what makes it so easy to put them off. But when the future rolls around, you’re going to be kicking yourself for not making those decisions.

What are some examples of these decisions? 

These five important life decisions are the main ones that you should make as soon as possible to save yourself future problems.

1. Your Career Choice

Many people grew up dreaming about what they want to be when they get older. How many people actually become what they dreamt of?

As you get older, no doubt reality sets in and you may decide that you can’t have a lucrative job as a cowboy in the city, or that driving a train is not as fun as you thought it would be.

However, you still have to decide what to pursue as a career. This can be a tough decision for some. So tough, in fact, that they don’t ever make a decision, they just get a job.

Some people take the opposite course of action; they decide quickly but pursue the most lucrative job they can acquire. Then they spend years in a job that they hate.

The decision to find a career that you really enjoy should be done as soon as possible.

2. Preparing for Your Financial Future

When you first start to join the world of adulthood, you are just trying to find a way to make ends meet. Few have a savings account, and even fewer have life insurance. 

These seem pointless when you don’t even know how you’ll manage to pay rent. However, preparing for your financial future as soon as possible, even if it’s just ten dollars a month, is definitely worth it.

One important insurance that many opt not to get but should is disability insurance. This insurance can be a life-saver when tragedy strikes, but most people don’t believe that tragedy will come to them until it does.

Better safe than sorry. Take steps now to improve your financial situation in the future. It’s worth it. 

3. Letting Go of the Past

Past mistakes or pains can be hard to let go of. They seem to follow us everywhere but they are really heavy and they drain us.

We can lead a much happier and productive life by letting go of the things that plague us and moving on.

4. Improving Your Friends

As you grow in life, whether it be with wisdom, integrity, or compassion, sometimes you outgrow your friends. Ones that you enjoyed spending time with in the past can seem shallow or rude now.

Yes, they were your friends, but considering that you will become like your five closest friends, it may be in your best interest to limit your association with these people.

5. Your Will and Testimony

Death is in no way a happy thought, but it is as sure to come as tax season. Do you have any wishes for what will come of you and your possessions after you’ve passed?

You shouldn’t wait to have these legally documented. This can help your loved ones easily make decisions and feel good knowing that they are following your wishes.


Yes, making these decisions might be one of the most difficult things that you’ve ever done, but after you’ve made them, you’ll feel much better.

You’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders that you didn’t even know you were carrying and it will be much easier to move forward.

It’s just as important to make sure you carry through with your decisions. Write them down. Tell someone else about them. Make a plan. Make a goal. Do whatever needs to be done to make these decisions become a reality.


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