Common Traits of People Who Sleep Late At Night

This post was last updated on March 30th, 2024

common traits of people who sleep late at night

Sleeping or resting is a fundamental factor of animal biology. According to the recent research, the timing of sleeping habits reflect the intelligence in humans.

Studies assert that people who have higher IQs (Intelligent Quotients) tend to sleep late at night and are active nocturnals. The late night nocturnals are commonly known as night owls. However, sleeping late night behaviour has some drawbacks like obesity, high blood pressure, reduced life spans, fatigue, dark circles, stress and many more.

There are some real facts and traits that are very common in those people who tend to sleep late at night. Here are they..

1. Workoholics

People who opt work over sleep are more workoholics as they keep themselves stuck in some work. Hence they are worthy to be called as workoholics.

Read: 7 Essential Tips To Avoid Becoming A Workaholic

2. Good concentration and focus

People who have high concentrating power mostly sleep late at night as the night time comes with no noises and distractions as compared to day time.

Recommended read: 9 Habits that Productive People Do Before Going Sleep

3. Depressed and broken

Apart from work, some people keep themselves busy in some deep thinking process or indulge in some kind of past painful and broken thoughts. Depression hence causes sleep deprivation.

4. Tough to understand

People who sleep late, are somewhat difficult in personality, kind of strange and moody. They have deep intense and cloudy thoughts which makes them tough to understand.

5. Prone to obesity

Researchers say that people who are active nocturnals and doesn’t have habit of sleeping early are more prone to obesity and fatness as they feel tired and fatigued all day which is not a factor of fitness.

Read: 5 Reasons To Avoid Eating Late At Night

6. Humorous

Active nocturnals are kind of happier people. They are humorous and joyful in nature love to laugh and make others laugh.

7. Bad eating habits

People who sleep later at night mostly have bad eating habits. Increase of libido formation induces hunger hence late night meals after dinner are considered as bad eating habits.

Read: 6 Astonishing Impacts Of Inadequate Sleep

8. Sharp memory

The people who have sharp memory tend to sleep late at night. They find enough time to connect with themselves, figure out things, analyzing every issues and are down to earth hence they have sharp and strong memory.

9. Creative

Yes, people who stay up late at night, are more creative in nature. They get more time to spend alone and culture on real difficult and creative ideas.

10. Brave and fearless

The most toughest trait found in people who sleep late at night is being brave and fearless. They are bold in nature and ready to confront any fear as staying up late night is not that easy task.

11. Higher intelligence

Night owls are considered as wise birds because they are nocturnal animals. Research says that people who have low IQ less than 75 are morning larks that means they tend to sleep early but people who stay up late at night have higher IQ above 125.

Read: Positive Practices Successful People Follow Before Bouncing To Bed

12. Mentally alert

People who stay up late at night are more mentally alert than those who sleep early. They are more precise in their work, their hearing and sight senses are quite sharp.




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