How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer?

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While the medical science is advancing to bring in a solution to cure fatal disease like cancer, it becomes our responsibility to reduce the risk of suffering from cancer. However, there are no 100 percent proven ways to prevent cancer but studies conducted by Cancer Research UK have revealed that 4 in 10 cancer cases can be prevented, just by making some simple lifestyle changes.

In fact, the internet is flooded with articles regarding cancer prevention where some preventive tips have contradiction in others’ opinions. By far, medical experts are still endeavouring to find and release reports that explain ways to prevent cancer. But there are some well accepted notions about reducing risk of cancer that involve bringing some small but healthy choices in life to make a big difference in your future health.

If you are concerned about cancer prevention, then find answer to how to reduce the risk of cancer by imbibing some vital amendments in your lifestyle such as not consuming tobacco, eating healthy food, exercising regularly, getting immunised, getting regular medical check-up, etc. To know more, just scroll down:

  1. Eat Right For Better Health Foundation

Eat Right For Better Health Foundation

Source: united filipino seafarers

As a matter of fact, there is no single food that can cut the risk of cancerous growth in your body. However, scientists have found that nutrition rich food with high amount of antioxidants may lower the risk of cancer. You must try to consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables, plenty whole grain foods, pulses, beans, poultry and fish, milk and dairy products along with small amounts of fats and sugar. You can even consume FDA approved nutritional supplements to get rid of free radical effect that results in cancer. Having such nutrition rich diet during the young age can build a better health foundation, however, it’s never too late to start caring your body.

There are several evidences which prove that fiber is vital for keeping your digestive system healthy and even reduces the risk of bowel cancer. Similarly, having limited quantities of red and processed meat frequently may decrease the chances of bowel cancer.

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