The Difference Between Burns and Scalds

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2024

Burns vs Scalds

With the advent of advanced medical technologies, many people are putting themselves in more danger than ever in the history of civilization. We are so busy in our lives that we sometimes get ourselves hurt because of our busy lives and aptitude for risk taking. Burns or scalds are usually the result of sheer carelessness and sometimes the carelessness of others as well.

Burns vs scalds

The difference between a burn and scald is that burns are due to dry heat like a hot iron or fire. However, scalds (derived from a Latin word calidus, means hot) are thermal burns due to heated fluids that can include hot water, steam and some other wet sources. Mostly scalds are first or second degree burns (superficial burns damaging skin and in some cases few cells), while third degree burns (burning muscles and tissues) are burns caused by longer contact to either dry or wet heat.

Mostly scald burns affect kids who are 4 years or younger. This is because their skin is thin and parents or a caretaker, without knowing, may hurt them with warm water while washing or bathing them. Other common scald cases that get reported to hospitals are women working in the kitchen. Usually they were in a hurry and burned themselves by sheer carelessness.

Places where burns usually happen

Burns, very obviously happen near heat — but in a study recording the cases from a range of hospitals, it shows that burns usually happen in restaurants, where cooks are working in hurry. This kind of burn is dangerous and is usually third degree, as heated oil tends to stick to the skin and cause severe damage to tissues.

Customers or guests in a restaurant are often at risk from burns due to food that is not properly served or accidental spillage on to the customer. These burns are usually second or third degree, as the food can be served very hot in a restaurant.

Another place that results in burns is the hotel bathroom. Many times the temperature of heaters are not maintained due to irregular use.

Daycare centers are also another place where burns commonly happen. Young children can suffer burns due to negligent supervision by caretakers.

Factory areas, where huge machinery is present that uses steam or electricity to operate and can cause higher level of burns or scalds. Also the lack of safety equipment in a low budgeted factory can cause damage to the skin of workers.

There are many lawyers who can help you in cases of burns or scalds with varying ranges of experience and fee structures. It requires a bit of research to find a good burn lawyer as this matter is important and needs great care. The burn injury lawyers at Walker Morgan are well known for representing burn victims with great success. They also offer free consultations.

Legal cases against the people or businesses that caused you burn can be complex, but usually result in compensation for your injuries. This compensation is meant to cover medical treatment, lost wages, and other costs related to your injury.


There are different kinds of burns that happen to people due to both dry and wet heat and these are all due to carelessness and hurry. It is advised that if you get a burn injury due to some other person or business, file a case against them and get the compensation.

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