The Health Benefits of Travel

Health Advantages of Travel

It is easy to pamper yourself at a spa and call it a day, but travel is a scientifically proven way to boost your mood, mental health and general well being. Forbes reports that it can lower the risk of a heart attack in men by 32% and also reduce the risk of depression in women. Overall, it is also a stress buster and can improve productivity temporarily, which is why you should take more vacations in a year than fewer long ones. 

1. Strengthens the immune system

Since travel exposes us to various diets, environment and ultimately, bacteria, it actually strengthens our immune system over time. Furthermore, it is commonplace to take vaccines prior to visiting a developing or certain countries with high disease rates. This will also help boost the immune system as one would not have gotten those inoculations if they were not travelling to said places. 

2. Helps make us a better person

Ever notice that after you come back from a vacation, you are less prone to stress and are more tolerant towards your family, friends and colleagues? This is because you are able to clear your head and take a step back from being immersed in a familiar environment, providing a brand new perspective and also as the saying goes: absence makes the heart grow fonder, allowing you to appreciate them more. We will also be more exposed to various cultures and learn to be more tolerating in general. 

3. Relieves mental strain

Travel is said to help combat depression because it stimulates the brain with excitement. You can do whatever you want, and usually people find that they have more jest for life. The very act of planning for an upcoming trip also has its benefits. A survey shows that people are much happier knowing that they have a trip planned in the near future. 

4. It makes us more resilient and independent

Aside from helping prevent mental illnesses from developing, travel can also shape us into stronger characters. Being in a foreign country and having to depend solely on ourselves to navigate and deal with things outside of our comfort zone forces us to develop our critical thinking and problem solving skills. In the event disaster strikes, it will also teach you that you are able to overcome anything. 

5. Encourages creativity

Furthermore, since creativity is related to neuroplasticity, it will generate new neurons when it is exposed to new stimuli, such as a new environment. This will improve creativity (ever notice how your best ideas and inspiration come when you are relaxing in a foreign country?) and you will be able to harness it into productivity for the workplace

There are numerous benefits to travelling from mental health to physical health, which is why the tourism industry is currently booming. You might also be able to bring back certain desirable habits and cultures which will make everyday life less boring and making you a more worldly person which does not seem like that bad of a deal. 


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