Treatment Tips for Feet

Tips for Feet

When we don’t care or care about some body care, sooner or later, problems appear. And with the feet it is not different, in fact, as they are more hidden, it is natural that we pay less attention to them and then the complications install themselves. Check out the main problems that can arise in the area, how to avoid them and what are the indications of treatments for the feet.

Problems that may occur in the feet

Resected feet

The feet do not have sebaceous glands, so they dry more easily compared to other regions of our body. To prevent and combat this dryness of the feet it is necessary to moisturize them daily with a specific moisturizer, as well as exfoliation at least once a week to remove that rough skin from the heel. And you do not have to worry, because the exfoliating device acts smoothly without hitting your feet.

Feet with crack

Sometimes the parched feet that have not been well cared for will be able to move to a higher stage of the problem: cracks. When they are still in the beginning, an alternative is the use of foot creams, which can restore softness to the area. Anyway, to take care of the chapping of the feet, it is important to seek a dermatologist to evaluate the case and indicate the best treatment.

Know What Causes Cracking in Feet

Diabetic feet

Those who have diabetes lose or have decreased sensation in their feet should redouble their attention to the area and do daily self-examination on the feet, according to medical guidance.

Extra care to keep your feet healthy

If you don’t have enough time to take care of your feet then you can buy foot treatment online. However you can do a few simple maintenance steps as follows:

– Always wash your feet well, dry thoroughly after bathing, exfoliate the heel and moisturize your feet.

– Avoid very hot baths, because water at high temperature worsens the dryness of the skin.

– After leaving the bath, pool or sea water, dry your feet well, especially between the toes to avoid moisture buildup, which can cause fungal infections.

– Do not walk barefoot, as this habit causes severe friction in the area. To protect yourself from the trauma caused the skin begins to thicken naturally.

– Make a daily hydration of the feet. Moisturizing your feet every day will not take you 5 minutes.

– Potentiate the hydration of the foot cream by placing a cotton sock as soon as it passes the cream. The next day your feet will be lighter.

– Before going to sleep, apply Vaseline to your feet, put on a pair of socks, and sleep. Wash your feet the next day when you wake up. Another option is to mix Vaseline with a few drops of lemon. Wash your feet, dry them and apply the mixture on your heels.

Consequences of non-treatment

If cracks become too exposed they can flake off, cause bleeding, and become a gateway for infections in the body. So keep an eye out. If the problem persists, you should see a doctor. Dryness of the feet may be a symptom of diseases such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, which can be diagnosed with the help of a health professional.


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