What is Tarot?

This post was last updated on September 14th, 2023

How to Read Tarot Cards

Tarot is a deck of cards that are used for divination. Divination is the practice of using tools to gain insight into future events or the unknown. The tarot has been used for centuries to help people gain clarity and understanding.

The tarot can be used for many different purposes such as exploring your past, present, and future; gaining clarity on a situation; or exploring your psyche. A tarot reading can be done for yourself or for someone else.

There are many different ways to read tarot cards. Some people use them for meditation, while others use them for guidance. There are also many different decks of tarot cards, so you can choose the one that speaks to you the most. 

If you are interested in exploring the tarot, there are many resources available to help you get started. You can find decks of cards online or at your local bookstore. You can also find books that will teach you how to read tarot cards. Start by doing some research and then find a way to incorporate the tarot into your life in a way that works for you.

Tarot and zodiac signs

Tarot cards are related to zodiac signs and can give you a lot of information about yourself that you might not have otherwise known. For example, if you are a Sagittarius, the tarot card associated with your zodiac sign is The Tower. This suggests that you are someone who is prone to making sudden changes or taking risks.

How to Read Tarot Cards

The first step in reading tarot cards is to choose a deck that you connect with and cleanse the tarot cards before starting your reading. Once you have chosen your deck, it is time to start familiarizing yourself with the meanings of the cards.

There are 78 cards in a tarot deck: 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana represent big life events such as The Tower (sudden change), The Lovers (a choice), and Death (transformation). The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—and represent more everyday issues such as work, relationships, and finances.

Once you have chosen your deck and familiarized yourself with the meanings of the cards, you can begin doing readings for yourself or others. When doing a reading, it is important to focus on your question or intention. Then, shuffle the deck and draw however many cards you feel comfortable with—usually between three and 10. Lay the cards out in front of you and take some time to interpret their meanings in relation to your question or intention.

Final Thoughts

If you are interested in exploring your past, present, or future self, divination may be a tool worth considering. Tarot readings can provide clarity and understanding on many different levels. By choosing a deck that speaks to you and taking the time to familiarize yourself with the meanings of the cards, you can begin doing readings for yourself or others today.



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