What to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

Getting Porcelain Veneers

Your teeth are among the most noticeable facial features. They are visible when you talk, smile, or laugh. Therefore, it is only vital for them to look their best. Unfortunately, flaws like discoloration, gaps, and chips in your teeth can affect your smile and overall appearance. If you have dental cosmetic concerns, Mark Sutton DDS can help restore your smile using veneers.

Veneers are thin shells customized to match your natural teeth’ size, shape, and color. They are designed to fit over your front teeth and cover multiple flaws to improve your smile. If you are considering getting veneers, here are some things you should know.

You don’t require veneers for the whole mouth.

Most people often get one veneer in the case of a broken or chipped tooth, but you may get between six to eight veneers to create an even, symmetrical smile. Veneers are usually placed on the surface of your front teeth. That is because they are the most visible when you smile or laugh.

Veneers can fix a wide range of flaws.

Dental veneers can correct several cosmetic concerns, including severe discoloration, broken or chipped teeth, smaller-than-average teeth, pointed or unusually shaped teeth, and gaps. Your dentist may also recommend veneers to alleviate tooth sensitivity and protect the enamel from damage or further damage.

Consultation is necessary

If you are considering dental veneers, you should consult your dentist to establish eligibility. During the consultation, your oral health professional will examine your teeth and gums to ensure they are healthy. If you have problems like gingivitis and cavities, your dentist will need to address these first before you can get veneers. No dentist can place veneers on unhealthy teeth and gums; doing so can worsen the problem.

Veneers are not removable.

You cannot remove veneers whenever you want since they are strongly bonded to your natural teeth. However, sometimes patients may need or desire to have their veneers removed for various reasons, including recurrent decay, staining, or cracking.

Dental veneers can chip or crack.

Veneers are similar to natural teeth, which can withstand normal wear and tear but can also chip and crack. Therefore, you want to avoid habits like biting your nails, opening bags with your teeth, and chewing on ice cubes. This is why dentists don’t recommend veneers for people who grind and clench their teeth.

You require several trips to the dentist.

Getting veneers requires you to make at least three visits to your dentist. The first visit entails consultation, diagnosis, and discussion of /treatment options. Here is when you know whether you are a good candidate for veneers. The second visit involves measurements and assessments; your dentist will take x-rays, impressions, and photos of your teeth. You may also receive temporary veneers, which you’ll have until the permanent ones are ready. The third and final visit is whereby your dentist bonds the veneers to your natural teeth.

If you have dental flaws, visit your dentist at Greenwich dentistry for veneers to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. 


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