Why COVID-19’s Closure of Restaurants is the Perfect Time to Upskill

closure of restaurants

COVID-19 Shaking the Industry 

Restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars and other entertainment establishments have never seen a year like 2020; and they will likely be keen to see the back of it. Mass closures and social distancing laws have brought the hospitality industry to a stand-still, leaving many businesses on the brink of survival, if not forced out of service completely. Some are more fortunate, with assistance like job-keeper payments and other stimulus measures implemented by the Australian government. Many have used this downtime to give their floors, bars, kitchens, and garden areas a much needed re-model, ready for when restrictions are finally lifted. If you are a worker in the industry, this might be the mindset that could see you benefitting into the future. As Australia and the wider world tentatively creep back into former normalcy, why not consider these last few weeks to upskill? 

Benefits of Receiving Certificate III Commercial Cookery ( SIT30816)

Before the coronavirus, cooks’ roles were projected to have the highest growth in both the food and beverage and accommodation sectors, with a staggering 16.7% growth in available cookpositions come 2023. Some might think this has faltered, but these were projections were built largely on the boom in the online food delivery services. COVID-19 has only benefited that industry, showing millions of people around the world the simplicity and ease of bringing restaurant quality meals to your home. And with Australia soon allowed to recapture their enamour with our dining-out culture, the potential is endless. But you need qualifications, such as the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30816). Many hospitality workers have aspirations to take on further education to improve their opportunities within the industry, but could never make the time. They could also say it was costly to undertake courses to relearn topics to which they were already familiar. But there is a solution. 

How RPL Can Make the Process Faster & Cheaper

If you already possess the skills and knowledge that are needed to be deemed competent in a certain position, there may be an opportunity to bypass the costly, time consuming courses through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL allows applicants to compile a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates their understanding within a particular field. This portfolio will then be reviewed by the educational bodies who offer specific qualifications, known as Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). 

What to Expect Next

Compiling a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your skills to their highest degree is essential. This will include photos and videos of you performing work, written referrals from past employers, certifications and qualifications in similar courses, and so forth. If you are unsure as to what is needed, seek out RPL professionals to assist you through the process. 


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