10 Ways To Speed Up Your Metabolism

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Ways to speed up your metabolism

As you age, your body’s overall working slows down. So naturally, it also affects the working of your metabolism. Apart from aging several other factors such as wrong eating habits, lethargic life style and heredity can cause slow down in metabolism. It is very difficult to get back the active metabolism that you had during your twenties and teens.

When your metabolism is working at the top speed, you can eat whatever you want at the breakfast, lunch or dinner and still can maintain normal weight. But as you grow older, if you do not watch what you eat, you will start noticing a major difference in your body shape which will start bulging especially in certain areas such as upper arm, waist, abdomen and hips.

So how do you speed up your metabolism?  

Here are some tips that will help you to improve your rate of metabolism and loss weight in the process. The tips will not only rev up the calorie furnace within you but will also help you to feel energized and leaner.  

1. Never Skip Breakfast

Ways to speed up your metabolism

The furnace of metabolism constantly needs something to burn at regular intervals. When you wake up after 7 to 8 hours sleep, your body is craving for food so that it can release the energy required to carry on with your daily tasks. And if you eat a meal heartier enough to satisfy your taste buds as well as body requirement, you will feel energetic and happy all the day through and will also eat less food all over the day.

In case you do not eat the breakfast, your body goes into a mode of starvation slowing down your metabolism so that it can conserve energy. According to a study carried out on volunteers, people who ate regular breakfast and gained 22 to 55% of the overall calories through it gained only 1.7 pounds of weight in four years approximately. On the other hand, those who skipped morning meal or got only 11% of their calories, through breakfast gained around three pounds.  

It means having breakfast in the morning is quite crucial for keeping your metabolism burning. So what should you eat at breakfast? Your choice should be any food that lets you feel fuller for long and takes long time to digest such as a combination of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and lean protein mix.

A power-packed breakfast that includes an omelet made from one egg and 2 egg whites, onions and mixed peepers, half cup of steel-cut oats with frozen berries and one teaspoon of fish oil loaded with omega-3 is just an ideal way to start your day and give a boost to your metabolism.

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