10 Best Natural Antibiotics With Amazing Healing Properties

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As we are modernising and adopting more sedentary lifestyle, we have also ingrained many changes in our food consumption patterns.

This ever busy lifestyle is compelling us to resort to junk, processed and packaged foods that contain preservatives, artificial flavours and colours. These foods are devoid of important nutritive values that our body requires on daily basis. Moreover, indulging less in physical activities and not habituating the body to exercising is yet another cause for lower immunity level, owing to which we are becoming more prone to diseases.

Since our lifestyle is inviting more and more diseases, we are getting used to visiting doctors and consuming those chemical induced antibiotics, which may revive you from sickness in the short term but frequent consumption can put your health at greater risk later.

Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine said, ‘ Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.’ It was the golden period when he uttered these words where people used to resort to their kitchen where natural herbs and other ingredients were used to treat diseases. Still there are many places where people still depend on the best natural antibiotics that not only kills infection causing bacteria in the body but also boosts the immunity level. Lately, mankind has shown greater preference to chemical medicines and this has greatly impacted the working of good bacteria in the body. This in turn, is adversely affecting the immunity system and also lowering the body’s ability to respond to natural foods.

There are these 10 best natural antibiotics with amazing healing properties that are easily available in our homes.

For leading healthier life and enjoying greater life span, switching to these antibiotics will eliminate the need to gulp down those chemical antibiotics for minor infections in the body:

1. Honey

Honey Natural Antibiotic

Most of us are aware of the medicinal properties of nature’s sweet gift, honey. It has been known that during ancient times, Romans used honey to treat external wounds to prevent infection. Honey is stored with antibiotics, anti-septic and antimicrobial properties along with ample amounts of antioxidants, which is proven to be a cure for many diseases. Regular consumption of honey can boost the immunity level and this in turn, makes the body resilient against many kinds of viruses.

Hydrogen peroxide is released by an enzyme found in honey, which in turn, improves your body’s ability to fight infection and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria. Moreover, honey soothes the digestive system and flushes out toxins from the body to enable your liver work with more efficiency. Care must be taken that you consume only raw organic honey as the pasteurised ones kill its antioxidant properties.

Recommended: How Good For Health Is Calories In Honey?

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