6 Ways a Smile Makeover May Improve Your Life

This post was last updated on April 8th, 2024

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is a process that improves the appearance of your smile through various cosmetic or surgical procedures.

Before subjecting you to a particular smile makeover treatment, your dentist has to consider factors such as tooth color, size, shape, position, and the gum position and color. Also, so that your dentist creates the perfect Tomball smile makeover, other factors to consider may include lip length and position, facial appearance, skin tone, and hair color. Popular smile makeover treatments are teeth whitening, porcelain dental veneers, dental crowns, gum contouring, and dental bonding.

For instance, gum contouring is a dental procedure involving correcting receding gums or gums covering your tooth excessively. An uneven gum line may make your teeth appear crooked and unhealthy. Thus, removing the extra gum tissue can help provide a beautiful smile and a symmetrical face.

Consequently, below are ways a smile makeover may improve your life.

1. Enhances self-esteem

An imperfect and unattractive smile can lower your self-esteem and confidence; thus, you may prefer to avoid smiling or showing your teeth as you smile. That may make you avoid going to social events or a date.

2. Boosts your quality of life

You are likely to smile and laugh more often when you know you have an attractive dental appearance. According to various studies, smiling and laughing may trigger your brain to start a powerful chemical reaction that makes you happier. The brain produces neuropeptides and neurotransmitters that relieve pain and help fight off depression and stress.

3. Delivers a vibrant smile

Common teeth-staining foods and beverages include tea, coffee, red wine, fruit juices, pasta sauce, and dark berries. For example, dark berries contain dark pigmentation that can discolor your teeth. Also, smoking, aging, and using particular medications may stain your teeth.

A smile makeover may make your teeth whiter to appear more natural and vibrant.

4. Improves speech

The American College of Prosthodontists estimates that more than 100 million adult Americans have at least one missing tooth, and more than 20 million do not have natural teeth.

You may have difficulty pronouncing some words if you have a missing tooth or teeth. Closing the gap left by missing natural teeth using a smile makeover treatment like a dental implant can eliminate impaired speech, enabling you to speak clearly.

5. Saves time

A smile makeover may involve combining various procedures such as teeth whitening, gum contouring, and dental bonding to deliver comprehensive treatment in one appointment.

Thus, you can save time since you do not have to make numerous visits to the dentist’s office to address every tooth problem separately.

6. Better oral health

Although a smile makeover focuses on appearance, it can also benefit your oral health and general well-being. When your teeth are missing, overcrowded, misaligned, or crooked, they become susceptible to decay and periodontal diseases.

Restoring the proper alignment of the teeth makes them easier to clean. You will also feel more motivated to care for your investment in the form of a smile makeover.

Also, a smile makeover may make you less prone to health issues associated with poor oral hygiene, such as mouth cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.

Contact Russell Family Dentistry today to schedule a consultation with a smile makeover specialist.


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