7 Healthy Meals You Can Make With What’s Already in Your Fridge

Making Healthy Meals at Home

Every week, maybe even more frequently, you go to the grocery store, load up your cart, take it home and fill the fridge, freezer and cupboards. After a long day of work or errands, you might not feel like spending a long time cooking. Instead of turning to instant noodles or giving up and ordering delivery or take-out, try one of these seven healthy meals you can make with what’s already in your refrigerator.

1. Stir-fry

A stir fry is a fast, low-cost meal that does a great job of using up bits of this and that in your fridge. Choose chicken as the protein. It’s high in tryptophan, which will help you sleep better in your comfortable bed. If you’re vegetarian, tofu is a healthy alternative. Add brown rice for complex carbohydrates. Choose several vegetables, such as leftover snap peas, carrots, onion, mushrooms or broccoli.

2. BLEAT Sandwich

If you like bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches, try this alternative. You can use the slightly stale bread, an English muffin or even a bagel. Add an over-easy or fried egg and some avocado for a healthy and protein-filled twist. You can also top with salsa or greens for fiber and vitamins.

3. Soup

Soup from a can is usually high in sodium, but you can make healthy soup in minutes at home. If you’re vegan, try two cans of black beans, vegetable broth and a can of diced tomatoes. If you’re vegetarian, top with sour cream and tortilla strips. If you’re not vegetarian, you could use chicken broth. Another good soup to try is a creamy basil tomato soup, which only uses four ingredients and is ready in 12 minutes.

4. Grilled Cheese

Up the ante by making a fancier grilled cheese than what your mom made. Try mozzarella, tomatoes, avocado and basil for an Italian twist. Another tasty combination is Portobello mushroom, chives and Swiss cheese. You can use any type of whole-grain bread, sourdough bread or even an English muffin.

5. Grilled Chicken and Veggies

Chicken is low-cost and available in many forms, so chances are good you have some in the fridge. Saute strips of trimmed chicken in olive oil, then add fresh veggies. Some good choices include asparagus, green beans, snap peas, carrots, baby corn, onion, mushrooms or broccoli. Add a spritz of lemon, parsley, lemon pepper, sweet bell peppers or Brussels sprouts.

6. Salad

Start with a foundation of greens, such as Romaine lettuce, spinach, kale or a blend of these. Then start adding veggies. Roma or cherry tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, leftover corn, onions and pickles make flavorful additions. Keep adding little bits of this and that, such as quinoa, tortellini, leftover berries, a handful of almonds or sunflower seeds, a dash of shredded cheese and some cubes of ham, chicken or turkey.

7. Potato Packets

Idaho or russet potatoes make a hearty dinner when you prepare them in foil packets. Dice potatoes into cubes. Add some leftover bratwurst, chicken or another protein. Include some diced onion, peppers or green beans. Sprinkle on some seasoning, such as lemon pepper. Add a few drops of olive oil. Seal the foil packets closed and bake on a sheet in the oven until the potatoes are soft.

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