Air-con Systems: How to Keep Yours in Great Condition

Tips to Keep Air-con Systems in Great Condition

As the world gets warmer with climate change effecting the entire planet, the need for air-con systems is increasing each year as households and homeowner looked to stay cool when the heat is on. Air-con systems used to be unaffordable for the family home and more commonly found in office buildings, shopping centres new builds. With an increase in consumer demand has come a drop in air-con prices making them more affordable.

Climate change is one of the contributing factors to a rise in popularity of air-con systems. This and the fact that many new build homes have better insulation systems meaning they also require hi-tech cooling systems to regular the temperature as well. Growing populations mean that cities are becoming busier leading to even smaller shops and businesses installing air-con appliance for their customers.

If you already have air-con installed in your home it’s worth thinking about the best ways to keep it in tip top condition. Here’s few maintenance tips which may save you money over time. Clean Outside Unit

Grime, dirt and dust can build up inside your air-con unit running down the system capacity and decreasing its efficiency. It’s best to close down the power before starting any cleaning and you can use a garden hose pipe to carefully flush out all the debris which has built up over time. Avoid using something as strong as a power washer which could cause damage to the fins on the coil.

Check Condenser Unit Fan

Make sure the fan mounted on the top of the outside of your air-con unit is still in fine working condition. If the fan blades are looking worn with any cracks, chips or bumps get them replaced as soon as possible. If you have an older air-con unit, you may need to oil the fan motor bearings from time to time to keep them in full working order.

Also monitor the condition of the thermostat to ensure it’s working properly as this will keep your house at the desired temperature. If you have an older mechanical thermostat think about upgrading to a digital model which are not as expensive as you may think.

Clean and/or Replace Air Filter

Replacing your air conditioner air filter (or cleaning it, if you have a reusable filter) is one of the most important regular AC maintenance chores. It should be done every month during high-use seasons (like summer and winter) and once during the fall and spring.

Properly maintaining your air conditioning unit will be of great benefit in terms of saving money, saving energy, and keeping you comfortable during the hottest days of the summer.

Your local heating and air conditioning company will always be more than happy to help you with any and all of your air conditioning needs.

They can also check your air conditioner and perform additional maintenance tasks on an annual basis that will ensure your AC unit performs as efficiently as possible for as many years as possible.

Keeping your air-con system in full working order with a few simple maintenance methods could save you a few quid over time. You’ll also be cooler and more comfortable in your home.

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