COVID-19 and CBD Oil: What to Do to Prevent The Spread?


COVID-19, also known as CoronaVirus, has possessed a significant disruption to our daily lives. With limited movement and contact with people, the public has no choice but to warm up to the reality that it’s more important to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus than seeing our loved ones succumb to the virus.

The number of people affected and those dying seem to be increasing day in day out. And even though COVID-19 has been with us for a few months now, there seems to be so much that we don’t know about, let alone how to eradicate it.

We also know nothing about how CoronaVirus interacts with cannabis even though rumors have been sparking that cannabis can cure COVID-19. While medical marijuana and CBD have gained credibility for their benefits in treating conditions like epilepsy, anxiety, and muscular dystrophy, the notion that it can cure or resolve coronavirus hasn’t been proven by science.

Learn more about CBD manage anxiety during quarantine at Health Canal

What we do know for sure is that the best way to keep the virus at bay is to restrict and stop the spread even in the cannabis community. Here is how you can continue to do so:

Maintain Healthy Habits for Marijuana Users

Marijuana users are known to be very laid back. They’re all known to go with the flow. As such, cultures like ‘puff-puff-pass’ have been associated with cannabis users. However, a culture like this, a time like now, is an excellent way to keep spreading the virus.

Sharing blunts, joints, bongs, pipes, and vapes will only continue to put you at risk. Hence, until the pandemic threat passes, we recommend that you avoid sharing your cannabis and CBD supply, and also avoid using someone else’s.

Avoid Smoking Cannabis if You Have the Virus

COVID-19 is a respiratory infection, and smoking weed or anything else will only make it worse. Viral infections tend to show symptoms like pain and muscle aches, headache, poor sleep, and signs of inflammation like a fever.

Though medical marijuana and THC has shown to help these symptoms, there is no research to prove that cannabis benefits cold or the flu. Doctors recommend that we avoid smoking or vaping when we have an active infection because it will only irritate your lungs further.  If you must use CBD for an illness or your mental well-being, we recommend using safer alternatives like edibles.

Avoid Large Crowds

While we are still adjusting to the new rules to help combat the virus, times have become more challenging. We have had to pay a considerable price with the cancellation and closure of schools, cultural events, large gatherings, and our favorite sporting events.

However, these moves have been necessary to keep people, especially those at higher risk like the old and those suffering from chronic conditions, at more risk. People with conditions like diabetes, lung, and heart diseases are at higher risk of developing severe complications from CoronaVirus.

Hence, we recommend that you avoid crowds as much as possible. Stay away from groups of more than ten people and maintain social distance.

Avoid Person-to-Person Contact

It has been proven that COVID-19 occurs when a person has been exposed to respiratory droplets from a sneeze or cough of an infected person. Therefore, the virus is spread by direct contact. If you are within 6 feet of an infected person, you put yourself at a higher risk of getting infected.

Since CoronaVirus has been established as an airborne virus, it means that it can be spread via the air. Hence now more than ever, you should avoid close contact because you can catch the virus just by breathing the same air as the infected person. To further lower your risk of infection, you should wear a mask. 

Stick to What the CDC Recommends

Now more than ever, it is crucial to stick to what the CDC recommends. And according to the CDC, you should:

  •         That you stay home if you’re sick
  •         Avoid close contact with infected people. If you must greet them, best to just smile and wave
  •         Stop shaking hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  •         Clean and disinfect all surfaces in your home and spray and wipe objects that you touch regularly.
  •         When you’re out and about, avoid touching public surfaces.
  •         Wash your hands regularly which is the most important means to prevent the virus
  •         Wear a mask when out in public

If you still need to use CBD oil for underlying health conditions, visit Health Canal to know the best CBD oils for different conditions. 


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