Easy Student Grocery Shopping Tips To Help With Your Budget

This post was last updated on March 25th, 2024

shopping tips to help with budget

Saving money can be tough, especially for those not used to creating a budget (and sticking to it).

One of the most prominent ways people lose money is through ineffective grocery shopping, whether that be due to splurging too regularly, buying the wrong things or throwing out too much after not using it. Thankfully, there are a lot of great tips you can consider on your next trip to the supermarket that can help you stop wasting your money – in this article we take a look at a few of these great pointers to help bring you up to speed with savvy supermarket spending. 

A few tips to get you started

As a student, if you’re already juggling inspire education loans, saving money on your grocery bill is not just recommended, it’s often a must. One of the most common sense things you should keep in mind is to not go to the supermarket on an empty stomach – by doing this, you’ll not only like but something that is bad for you to eat right then and there, but you’ll also likely buy unnecessary snacks for the future that you otherwise wouldn’t have bought. Following on from this, you should also always be going to the supermarket with a shopping list already made up. This is to ensure that you don’t wander down every aisle and grab things on a whim that you might not even use (particularly if they’re on sale). To ensure this list is bulletproof, plan all of your meals for the week in advance and ensure that you include all the ingredients that you need. Only shopping once a week also means that there are fewer temptations than you otherwise would have if you shopped every few days. 

Making your own food

It’s not hard to see that if you’re buy pre-packaged meals every time you go to the shops that you’ll spend much more than you need to. Even though you might justify it as being cheaper than takeaway, if you make your own meals regularly you can very easily save a bundle. This is due to not only the initial meal being cheaper than a frozen meal, but you can prepare leftovers for your lunch or dinner the next day or simply just freeze quantities for the future. Then you’ll have a pre-prepared meal of your own invention for a fraction of the price! Many people make the excuse that they don’t know how to cook, but cooking is a skill that, with a little investment on your part, can pay off in more ways than one. Even if it’s something as simple as cutting up some vegetables and putting them in separate bags rather than buying little packets of baby carrots or whatever else, you’ll be saving a whole lot that you’d otherwise be paying for in convenience. 

It’s not difficult to save money at the supermarket

Saving money while going shopping isn’t difficult, but it does require some commitment on your part – it can be something as simple as shopping at a familiar store so that you don’t waste time walking down confusing aisles and picking up things that you don’t need, but by far the best approach is to always plan ahead so you aren’t caught off guard!


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