Five Signs It May Be Time to See a Cosmetic Dentist in Bismarck, ND

Cosmetic Dentist

If you are no longer happy with your smile due to changes in how it looks, you may be wondering if you should see a cosmetic dentist in Bismarck, ND. Did you know that a cosmetic dentist offers more than just an improvement in your look? Your mouth should be able to tell when you must book an appointment. The following are some signs to watch out for:

1. You Have Missing Teeth

Missing a tooth or more can make your smile look lopsided. You can lose a tooth due to dental injuries, gum disease, or regular wear and tear. If there is a gap in your mouth due to a missing tooth, the rest of your teeth may shift, creating new gaps or causing the teeth to become crooked. A dental implant can correct this issue.  It includes replacing the tooth root and putting a crown on top of the root, mimicking your natural teeth’s appearance and feel. 

2. You Have Discolored Teeth

Your teeth can get stained over time, particularly if you tend to consume coffee, tea, or red wine regularly. Also, teeth discoloration can result from poor oral hygiene. Your cosmetic dentist can do professional teeth cleaning to restore the original shine and beauty of your teeth.

3. You Have Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Cracked or chipped teeth are not just unpleasant. They can result in more dental issues like gum disease or cavities. A dental crown is a reliable solution to a chipped tooth. It works by covering the affected part of the tooth and can be made of either ceramic or porcelain.

In addition, your cosmetic dentist may recommend porcelain veneers. These custom-made shells can restore your beautiful smile. Another solution they may recommend is bonding, which includes the use of composite material to enhance the look of your teeth.

4. You Suffer from Chronic Headaches

Misaligned teeth may lead to head or jaw pain. Temporomandibular pain or TMJ results from jaw or bite problems. This is due to your mouth working harder than it should just to bring your teeth together as you suffer from bite issues. You may have TMJ if you experience jaw pain or earaches. If you think your issue may be due to tooth misalignment, you may need to book an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. 

5. You are Not Happy About Your Smile

Cosmetic problems can result in concerns that impact your self-esteem and confidence. You may isolate yourself and avoid conversations. Sometimes, you may not want to smile so other people won’t see your chipped tooth or mouth gap. If you want to improve your smile, consider seeing a cosmetic dentist. 


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