How to Find the Right Personal Injury Attorney

Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault you might need the help of a personal injury attorney. However, many people struggle to find an attorney that’s right for them. This is not because there aren’t any great attorneys out there. There are, in fact, so many it can be hard to know who to choose. 

Look for an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney 

When it comes to looking for an experienced personal injury attorney you should opt for one that works with plaintiffs. Plaintiffs are those who are making a personal injury claim. You should avoid hiring an attorney who has worked as a lawyer for an insurance company. This is because they will be highly experienced in taking their side. 

One of the best things you can do is to get the names of a few attorneys and talk through your claim with them. This will help you to decide who the right attorney is. 

Using an Attorney you Know 

If you know an attorney you might be tempted to ask them to work for you. However, this could be a mistake. They might not necessarily have the experience that is needed to work on your claim. It doesn’t matter how nice they are or how long you have known them for. If they don’t represent a plaintiff or work in the field of personal injury they’re unlikely to be right for you. 

However, you could always ask them if they can recommend anyone to you. They could potentially help you to find a personal injury attorney who is ideal. 

Questions to Ask 

Regardless of which attorneys you decide to meet you should ask them some questions. This is so you can get an idea as to how well they work and how much experience they have. Consider asking them: 

  • How long have they been an attorney?
  • What percentage of their work involves personal injury cases?
  • Do they have experience working with an insurance adjuster or an insurance company? 
  • Do they represent the plaintiff or the defendant?

Working on your Case 

If the attorney was to accept your case who would be working on it? Less experienced attorneys and some paralegals typically handle some of the more routine tasks. This can often be quite beneficial if it means that the work is completed quickly. However, if it is handled by a more experienced attorney you could be waiting some time. 


When you’re speaking to an attorney is it obvious that they are listening to you? Are they explaining things quite well? Do you get the impression that they will listen to what you say before making a decision on your case? If you can answer “Yes” to all of these questions they could be the right attorney for you. If you’re not sure they can answer “Yes” you might need to look elsewhere. 

With a bit of work, you could potentially find a personal injury attorney who is right for you. Use the above tips to help you so your case is more likely to be successful. 


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