How to Wash Dog Sweaters, Collars, and Bedding

This post was last updated on May 11th, 2023

Dog Sweaters

Most dog parents prioritize buying treats and diets with their fur babies more than accessories. Knowing how expensive collars, sweaters, and bedding are for dogs is understandable. However, these accessories are equally important with their treats and veterinary care. It makes them comfortable when sleeping and warm when cold. Hence, providing these accessories to your fur babies is a must.

It might break the bank, but you do not always have to buy these accessories. You can make these accessories last long if you know how to wash and take care of them. Is it possible to send them for laundry service pickup nyc? Let’s see.

Tips on Taking Care of Dog Accessories


You have to take time to read the instructions; some bedding only has a washable cover, while the foam is not. You have to know this to ensure you are not damaging the bedding and the washer. Only use mild detergents without dye and fragrance to ensure it does not pose a health risk to your fur baby.

The bedding is expected to smell. You can remove the odor by adding baking soda to the wash water. Do not use any dry sheet or fabric softener; it will only worsen the situation.

Dog Collar, Leash, Harness

Dog harnesses, collars and leashes must also be cleaned regularly since they are worn and in contact with the dog’s skin. Most of these accessories are made of fabric and nylon, which are easy to wash.

You only have to fill a bucket with lukewarm or hot water with a small drop of hypoallergenic detergent or pet shampoo. Soak the accessories in the solution for at least 30 minutes. Use a soft brush to scrub the grimes and stain on the accessory. Do not forget to rinse twice to ensure all the solution is removed thoroughly.

Dog Sweater and Clothes

It is cute to watch your fur babies in a sweater or clothes, and these make them warm during cold weather. When taking care of your dog’s clothes, you have to follow the same rules when you do laundry with your clothes.

You have to read the wash label to ensure you are washing them correctly. Before you throw them into the washer or bring them to the laundry pickup gramercy, ensure that you have checked the garment for any holes or loose seams. Any damages might worsen the damage.

Moreover, only use hypoallergenic detergents when washing your fur baby’s accessories. Just like in humans, detergents with harsh chemicals, dyes, and perfumes can also cause skin problems for animals.

Do not forget to air dry your pet’s accessories for better results. It keeps the accessories safe from shrinkage.

Final Takeaway

Dog laundry is not a common dilemma for dog parents because they do not purchase accessories for their fur babies. It is essential to have these accessories to keep your fur baby happy, healthy, and presentable. Always wash these accessories bi-weekly on a regular basis. This helps your fur baby kept away from any illness.


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