What to Do if Your Dog Starts Barking at Night All of a Sudden 

This post was last updated on June 19th, 2021

Dog Starts Barking at Night

As a new pet parent, you might sometimes wonder why is my dog barking at night all of a sudden. Dogs can bark at night for several reasons and for no reason too. It can be quite frustrating for you to get up from your sleep and check every day. Investigating all possibilities and taking proper steps can help pet parents get uninterrupted sleep at night. 

Figuring out why your dog is barking at night all of a sudden is essential before you stop it from doing so. 

Here you will know what to do to stop your dog from barking at night all of a sudden. 

If your new puppy is barking at night, it might be due to loneliness, especially if it sleeps in a crate, outdoors, or a different room. Another reason for barking maybe is that it has not learned to sleep through the night. 

In such cases, allowing them to sleep in your bedroom is perfectly fine. This does not imply that you are creating bad habits in your dog. This solution will not only stop your dog from barking but will also help you to get a goodnight’s sleep. Besides this, you can also use CBD dog treats or CBD oil to help your dog relax and sleep peacefully.

  • Ignore It

If your dog calms down when you check on it, this reason for barking is due to attention. To fix this problem, you’ll have to ignore it. Just check everything in the house, and your dog is fine and go back to your bed. 

Do not respond by sitting next to your dog until it goes back to sleep. If you reward your dog with attention by going near whenever it barks, it will never stop this behavior and is more likely to be repeated in the future. 

  • Check for Medical Illnesses

Your dog barking at night all of a sudden can also indicate physical discomfort or pain. An upset stomach, injury, or other health issues can wake your dog at night. Get your pet checked by a vet to rule out possible medical illnesses

  • Increase Exercise

One of the best ways to deal with night-time barking is to increase your dog’s physical activity. Without proper exercise, your dog might be unable to sleep and cause all that barking and whining at night. Especially high energy breed dogs need intense physical activity to get a good sleep at the end of the day. 

  • Give a Comfortable Place

Dogs are highly sensitive to noise and outdoor noise, especially at night can stress your dog and make him bark. Place your dog in the quietest room in the house, which will prevent outside noise from bothering your dog. Also, if your dog sleeps outdoors, it might be too cold for him. Give your dog a cozy place indoors or place warm padding in its crate to sleep comfortably. 

  • Train your Dog for the Quiet Command

Though this method takes time, it is quite an effective method to stop your dog from barking at night. For this, when your dog starts barking, give him the command to be quiet. After a few trials, you will be able to get your dog’s attention and when he stops barking, give him a small treat. With this method, your dog will associate the quiet command with treats. 

So when you end up wondering “why is my dog barking at night all of a sudden?”, start using the right measures. In a few days, your dog will stop the sudden barking at night. 


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