Lower Back Pain and Why to Get Treated by a Qualified Physiotherapist

Qualified Physiotherapist

There is nothing more annoying than aggravating a muscle or joint that is now causing you pain. The injury or tear often occurs without you even knowing it at the time, only to flare up in the consequent hours and days.

You might be fit and participate in sport, down to a retiree who is enjoying life in front of the TV. Young or old, whatever profession or activity, muscular pain can affect us all. Quite possibly the worst form of pain is to your rear half. If this ailment is affecting you, now is the time to consider a course of lower back pain treatment.

If you are being restricted from being active in your everyday life for a couple of weeks it is time to stop taking pain killers and to visit a qualified specialist, or to call for treatment in less than two weeks if the pain is severe.

The causes of lower back pain

You could be feeling lower back pain for a variety of reasons.

  • A muscle strain can occur when carrying out lifting the wrong way or trying to lift something too heavy. It could be something as simple as coughing or bending over that causes the issue.
  • Poor posture when sitting or slouching will lead to sometimes chronic pains. It is essential to use the correct chairs for the activity involved. A course of treatment might be necessary to function properly at work.
  • Sports injuries are a regular cause of back pain through twisting or a repetitive action, such as a golf swing or when trying to lift weights in the gym.
  • Your condition may be more serious than muscle damage and you have a fractured spine. Disks that cushion the vertebrae may have bulged out of position and are now pressing on a nerve. Other extreme lesser causes such as arthritis, or a disease, may be occurring.
  • People over the age of 30 are more likely to suffer from back pain as discs gradually wear away with age. Watching your weight is another good way to prevent back pain, as obesity is a common cause. Unfortunately, not everyone can choose the perfect job, and some roles will cause more back issues than others.

Time to sort out your back pain

You can take pain killers or even do your own self prognosis. Maybe even visit a museum on the subject to see why you are in so much pain, but the only sure fire way to get proper help is to visit a clinic and receive treatment from a qualified physiotherapist.

Experts in their field will put you on a course of treatment, which may even be covered by your personal insurance. Reputable companies may offer discounts for a series of visits. This is both good for your health and finances, especially if your injury means missing work or being restricted in your duties.

Don’t delay. Seek out a qualified physiotherapist and ease your pain and peace of mind to get back to full fitness.


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