7 Myths About Sex You Should Never Believe

This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023

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sex myths

Sex is one topic that takes the major share of content on the internet. Whether it is just for curiosity or for fun, it is one of the most browsed subjects on every search engine. Although most of us nowadays talk about it and also engage in it regularly, there are still some unanswered questions that linger in our minds. And we rarely talk about them openly either because we do not want to be tagged backward in this zone or simply because many of us consider it not worth discussing or a taboo.

Here we are answering few such myths, which you always wanted to be answered, but never knew where to look for. Most of these conventional thoughts of sex wisdom when scrutinized closely turn out to be just mere baseless myths.

Myth 1: People in a relationship do not masturbate

Myths about sex you should never believe

Truth: One of the best ways to derive sexual pleasure is by self-touching. A natural action that is perfectly normal, children in their growing up years automatically start fondling their sexual organs and the act continues even in the adulthood. It certainly does not have any connection with having a healthy sexual relationship with your partner or not.

Rather, sexologists opine that masturbation generates the feel-good emotion and helps in improving your other sexual encounters.  It is nothing but exploring your body and recognizing the points that help to give you utmost joy. A person with good knowledge of his sexual needs is a much better sleeping partner who can guide his lover to a new level of intimacy. Only when you have explored your body well and known the special responses, you can share them with your partner and improve your sex experience.

Read: Positive and Negative Effects of Masturbation

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