Need a Crib for Your Baby? Look How You Can Make It a Safe Purchase

Need a Crib for Baby

The newborns spend a good two to three years of their life in a crib. That’s why, as a parent, it’s your responsibility to find your bundle of joy a durable and safe crib, where it can stay peacefully. Make sure you check the manufacturing date of the product because any crib that came after 2011 has to abide by the government’s safety standards. The label on the cradle can guide you on this. Some parents tend to choose mini cribs for their infants due to space limitation. You can follow their footsteps or choose a full-size crib so that you don’t have to worry if your little one outgrows his mini crib earlier than expected. 

Points to contemplate when buying a crib

Nowadays, the market offers you fantastic options in versatile cribs that can quickly transform into a toddler bed, daybed, and full size when you need. These can occupy more space than mini cribs, but since most of them provide a storage facility, you can stick to this choice. Besides, you must pay attention to a couple of other factors as well to make it a safe place for your young one.

  • Check the distance between the crib bars. It should not be more than 2 3/8 inches. 
  • Make sure the mattress has adequate firmness and density. Sagging beds can be uncomfortable and risky for your infant. 
  • Select a crib that features adjustable mattresses. It can help you create a safer experience for your baby through his different developmental stages. For example, if it’s a newborn (up to five months), then place the mattress to the highest position. When he turns five to eight months old or begins to sit, you can lower its height by one notch or halfway. You would need to set it to the lowest setting once your kid starts to stand up.
  • Cribs can have bumper pads to protect your baby from injuries. But these can suffocate or strangulate your kid. So, even if you get bumpers in a crib, remove them.
  • Examine the construction of the crib for its sturdiness. If it shakes, you should better do away with the choice.
  • Some cribs can feature wheels for ease of portability. But make sure those models provide locking system also so that it doesn’t skid on a wood or tile floor.

Kid’s cribs have undergone a sea of changes keeping their safety and comfort in mind. In the market, you can get endless varieties to explore. If you desire to buy something that meets all the safety rules and has necessary features in it, then follow the collection of the best cribs for kids in 2019. The trendy designs can seamlessly match your interiors. Hence, you would not have to think twice about the look. However, ensure that you don’t trade the essential safety features for a lavish style. Once the baby is in the crib, you would want to carry out other activities in peace. His security is in your hands, so be sure about what you select for him.

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