PDO Threads Lift: Benefits, Recovery, and Risks

PDO Threads Lift

Are you struggling with wrinkles, fine lines, saggy skin, sunken face, and other aging signs? You want to look your best, but your skin looks and volume take a hit as you age. After all, the skin experiences damage from the sun, injuries, and environmental pollutants, to mention a few, as it protects other organs. PDO threads Channelview, a less invasive procedure, could be your solution, especially if you dread going under the scalpel.

Polydioxanone (PDO) thread lift is a safe and effective treatment that can rejuvenate your skin. The procedure uses the biodegradable polyester suture to lift your skin and trigger more collagen production. The procedure is fast, typically done within or under 45 minutes. Taking surgery out of the equation is arguably among the top advantages of the PDO thread lift since it eliminates potential risks and complications. You will realize more benefits, especially per the PDO threads chosen, the common including:

Mono threads

The threads are smooth sutures. They are great at rejuvenating the skin. The dissolvable threads trigger your cells to produce more collagen, the protein responsible for your skin’s elasticity and structure.

1. Cog threads

The threads feature barbs that latch into the skin like fishhooks. The small barbs provide support which helps lift the skin in the target areas. Besides rejuvenating your skin, the threads help to lift it, a great solution for saggy skin.

2. Screw threads

The option features intertwined threads. Screw threads are great at helping restore volume in sunken parts. This means you get smoother, firmer, and elastic skin and a fuller look, eliminating more of the aging signs.

PDO thread lift improves your looks and skin functionality, with the commonly treated areas including the neck, cheeks, jaw, and eyes. The best part; you can combine the treatment with other anti-aging solutions for more dramatic results. The procedure delivers fast results, some that you can notice immediately. As the threads remain in the skin for months, typically 6, you will continue to notice improvements. The results can last upwards of 18 months, especially with an effective skin care regimen.

The recovery process

Since no surgery is involved, the recovery process is minimal. There is no downtime, meaning you can return to your routine after the treatment. Nonetheless, for better progress and results, you will be advised to avoid concerns such as:

  • Rubbing your face
  • Pursing the lips
  • Smoking
  • Drinking through a straw
  • Sleeping on your side

Such activities can accidentally cause the threads to dislodge. You should also avoid intense workouts or the sauna for a few weeks.

While safe, you can experience a few complications. The common PDO threads risks and complications include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising, soreness, and swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Pain
  • Visible sutures, more so if you have thin skin
  • Dimpling
  • Hematoma (blood accumulation)

Before you dive in, consult your doctor to ensure you understand the procedure and set realistic expectations. This is important since unrealistic expectations can affect your quest to manage aging signs and other flaws affecting your looks and confidence. Contact or visit Becky Does Botox today for more information on PDO threads.


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