Symptoms of a Growing Wisdom Tooth: Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Removal

This post was last updated on March 11th, 2024

Symptoms of a Growing Wisdom Tooth

Just over 57% of individuals in Victoria,      Melbourne, reported seeing a dentist in the previous 12 months, according to the National Study of Adult Oral Health. Wisdom tooth pain is a common issue experienced by many people. It is caused by the eruption of the third molars, which can cause discomfort and pain in the jaw area. One of the solutions to get rid of such pain is seeking help from experts for wisdom teeth removal melbourne. If you have little knowledge about it, here is a quick guide to understand the symptoms of wisdom tooth pain and the benefits of its removal. 


Pain and discomfort 

Pain and discomfort occur in the gums and jaw around the area where the third molar grows hideously. If not treated early, the pain will get worse day by day.

Face swelling and swelling in the area of the last molars: 

Swelling in the gums and jaw around the third molar area is another symptom. A severe toothache can lead to swelling in the face. 

Bad breath and bleeding gums:

Bad breath and bleeding gums are other symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth. Chewing food properly cannot be easy if the last molars start to come in and become impacted.


An impacted tooth can cause headaches due to the pressure it creates on the surrounding jaw-bone and gum tissue.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek professional advice from a dentist. Most dentists prefer removing the tooth as it eventually starts harming other good teeth. The dentist might not operate and remove the tooth if the pain is not severe. Instead, they could prescribe some pain-relieving medications. But removing this unwanted molar is the best cure. 

It is a relatively straightforward procedure. Depending on its position, it usually takes only one hour or a little extra to extract the molar. However, the procedure could take several hours if a person needs to extract two or more unwanted molars.

The benefits of removing the wisdom tooth

  • It reduces overcrowding in the mouth, allowing other teeth to shift into a more natural position, and decreases the risk of damage to other teeth caused by the pressure of the third molars. 
  • It eliminates the risk of infection caused by impacted wisdom teeth and prevents the formation of cysts and tumours around the teeth. 
  • It reduces the risk of gum disease since wisdom teeth can be challenging to reach with a toothbrush and help prevent developing cavities since they’re often difficult to clean. 
  • The extraction reduces the risk of jaw pain and misalignment due to unwanted molars. 
  • It reduces the risk of other periodontal diseases.


It would help if you considered your wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne, as the city’s dental professionals can help you get your wisdom teeth out with their latest technologies and medical tools in less time. Speak to your doctor about your options, and be sure to take the time to research the best option for you. 

Search for a centre that offers multiple payment plans and other orthodontic services. Go for one with fantastic customer service and efficient staff so they can answer all your queries. 


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