Tips on How to Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring

This post was last updated on March 27th, 2024

Allergy-Proof Home

It’s well-known that springtime can be harsh for people with allergies. The influx of pollen, dust, and mold in the air can lead to many uncalled for allergies or aggravate the existing ones, which can be uncomfortable and hazardous at the same time. 

It’s impossible to rid all the allergens in your house, but following a few tips can prove to be helpful. Below mentioned are the few tips that you must follow to make your home allergy-proof –

1. Clean up the Clutter in Your House

Keeping your house free of clutter is an excellent way to start ensuring that allergen doesn’t have many places to stay. It would not only reduce the allergens in your house but would also make it easier for you to keep your home neat and clean. 

A few of the items that you need to discard that are not in use anymore are old newspapers, rags, rugs, porous items, magazines, clothes, and more. If there is anything in your house that you do not need anymore or can do without, make it a habit to get rid of it. 

2. Clean the Air

Even though it might not seem like that, keeping your house free of allergens is a massive struggle. Just imagine it is you against millions of pollen, mold spores, and dust particles. You need to make sure that the duct work at your house is not leaking and that it is well-ventilated. The air filters in your air conditioner need to be cleaned and replaced periodically. If you can’t keep track of it, the better way is to go for an air filter subscription.

Also, it’s a good idea to maintain the humidity in your house to around fifty percent as it keeps away dust and pollen to a certain degree. Make sure to keep the windows and doors of your home closed during early mornings and when it is too windy as it is when the pollen count in the air is at its highest. Also, it is a good idea to shower after you come home from work and keep dirty clothes away. 

3. Keep Bathroom Clean

While pollens and dust mites thrive in the bedroom and other areas of your house mostly, it is the bathroom where the molds grow. Fix any leaks in the bathroom and inspect all the water pipes connections at regular intervals. The ventilation fan in the bathroom is a must and must be kept on during use and at least for half an hour after. Utilize scrubbers to clean the pipes and the toilet fixtures regularly to ensure that the molds do not start to build up. 

Reduce Dust Creators

Some carpets and fabrics produce more dust than others. Thus, it is best to replace those furnishings with high-quality ones that do not allow the breaking of fibers. It is also a good idea to use washable furnishings so that you can clean them when needed. To avoid dust from building up, you should also mop with a damp cloth regularly on the floor, walls, and other surfaces where dust seems to accumulate. When you have an air filter subscription, it makes everything a lot more convenient.

Your home should be ventilated so that the stagnant air can be pushed out and fresh air is brought in. It will help you reduce the amount of dust that might build in your home over time. Using the above tips, you can ensure that your home is comfortable and your family is away from allergens.

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