Are Millennials Having Less Sex Than Other Generations?

This post was last updated on March 26th, 2024

less sex

As time goes on, the behaviour of new generations is very different from what came before. The society we live in is governed by new rules and intimate relationships happen differently from a few years ago. In a world where sex is no longer taboo and there are new ways to create bonds with other people, it’s logical to assume that this generation is enjoying sex more freely, but is this true or is it a myth that hasn’t been corroborated?

The revolution of social media has had a big impact on the way young people relate to each other and create personal connections. Platforms and apps for establishing contact have been created in order to replace the face-to-face encounters young people were used to. This may be a mistake since in the long term in means important stages are being missed out on, as well as meaningful connections that make intimacy easier.

Nowadays there are more tools than ever, although many young people are not making the most of them. In reality, it is worth mentioning that there is no reason for young people not to be sexually active, since as well as social media, they also have platforms that encourage safe and comfortable intimate encounters. These kinds of platforms are very popular in several countries, from the US to New Zealand, where cities like Hamilton offer escorts services for having.

Another reason sexual relationships are decreasing is that society for the millennial generation seeks immediate pleasure through methods that don’t involve a commitment. Masturbation is the most popular practice, although it is not a complete substitute for sex, it can delay finding a partner to create a solid bond with. On the other hand, people in a relationship are in no hurry to live together, as modern life for young people revolves around studying, getting a job and endless individual aims that don’t align with traditional courtship or marriage.

There is good news among all this, which is that the millennial generation has managed to make their com, despite having less of them, as they are better prepared before getting into sexual commitments, which means they are better educated about them. There are fewer young couples, but more stability in the couples that exist.

The concern is that young people are beginning to put sex on the back burner. Sexual relations between people have immensely positive effects, and no matter how much society advances, technology can’t replace an activity that is part of a human being’s physiological needs.


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