Here Are Some Reasons Adults Should Own Stuffed Animals

Own Stuffed Animals

When we talk about stuffed animals, we are quick to think that they are only for kids, but that’s a wrong assumption. Adults gain a lot from stuffed animals too, and we’ll be discussing those things here.

1. A Sense of Safety and Security

Stuffed animals can be comforting to adults and give them a sense of security when they are going through uncertainties, changes, and challenging times.

Adults can depend on the feeling of security they get from a stuffed animal at all times, and according to therapists, the sense of security provided by these stuffed animals helps to reduce anxiety, loneliness, and other negative feelings. 

2. Eases loneliness

There are many times when people will feel alone in the course of their lives, whether or not there are people around them. Sometimes, people feel lonely even when they’re constantly chatting with friends on social media.

Stuffed animals help to reduce the feeling of alienation and loneliness, and even though they cannot replace the roles played by humans, they make it easier to cope with loneliness.

3. Mental health support 

Stuffed animals are slowly becoming a part of therapy, and studies show that stuffed animals can help people with attachment issues to restore and rebuild damaged attachment bonds.

Many doctors have recommended stuffed animals for people dealing with PTSD, those in psychotherapy, and those facing other mental issues.

4. They can support us when grieving

When we lose a loved one, we can feel connected to them through stuffed animals. These days, you can make a teddy bear with a piece of cloth belonging to the loved one who you lost to help you connect more with them.

Beyond that, you can hold your stuffed animal close to you when grieving and receive comfort from them while you come to terms with your loss and relive the memories of your dear one.

5. They support healing from trauma 

As we stated earlier, stuffed animals can be used in therapy, including for therapy sessions in re-parenting where people who survived trauma are taught to love themselves by loving and caring for a stuffed animal.

Using stuffed animals for therapy can boost esteem, happiness and help people get over feelings of self-loathing and depression. Stuffed animals also support people healing from trauma related to abuse and neglect in childhood.

6. Positive memories of childhood

Just as some people have to deal with childhood trauma, stuffed animals can also help adults relieve the pleasant memories of their childhood.

Nostalgia improves motivation and helps adults fight their fears, go through change easily, and remember how protected and carefree they felt as kids. Stuffed animals can reawaken memories of their siblings, parents, and all the good feelings associated with their childhood.

7. Stress reduction and relief

Studies show that interacting with live animals can reduce stress, and this also works with stuffed animals. Petting or hugging a stuffed animal can also reduce cortisol levels and their effects. 

Touching stuffed animals is great for stress relief, better health, and happiness. We now have aromatherapeutic and weighted stuffed animals that aid stress relief and improve comfort.


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