How to Maintain a Healthy Lumbar Spine

Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lumbar Spine

Your sine is one of the most important parts of your body. Its function is to support the weight of your body while protecting your core nerves and providing enough flexibility for you to perform any task you need.

Unfortunately, spinal disorders are common, especially as you age. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to maintain a healthy spine as soon as possible. It will help you to stay healthy and active as you age.

Speak To A Specialist

Most people only visit a specialist when they realize they have an issue. In fact, you can make life much easier for yourself if you book an appointment with your spine surgeon today.

They can assess you any locate any issues before you notice them, making it easier to rectify them, possible with just the use of cosmeceuticals.

They’ll also highlight the other steps you can take to maintain a healthy lumbar spine, such as the following:

Rest Properly

When you sleep your body balances your hormone levels, repairs muscles and ensures your body is ready for a new day.

Resting properly is also essential for your spinal health. You need to choose a mattress which supports you in your preferred sleeping position; Equally, your pillow, or pillows, should support your neck. This will ensure your body can fully relax and the spine can recover from any issues it has encountered that day.


Exercise is not something that people should do just to lose weight. In fact, strength training is a great way to boost core strength, which will strengthen your spine and improve your balance.

You don’t need to join a gym to do core body exercise, just find 20-30 minutes a day and you’ll see a huge difference in a few weeks.

Choose The Right Shoes

A good pair of shoes will give your feet support, helping to reduce supination or pronation, (when you land on one side of your foot instead of on the whole foot).

The shoes you wear will depend on what activity you’re doing, but a snug, not too tight, fit will help support all of your body, including your spine and improving your posture.

Sit Less!

This can be hard if you spend all day at a computer screen. If this is the case then you need to learn to sit properly. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back straight, you can purchase chairs or stools that will help you to adopt the right position.

Don’t forget to regular breaks, sitting increases the tension on your spine threefold.

Get A Massage

Massage can really help to help ensure your spine is in the best possible health. In addition, a massage stimulates blood flow, which will help your spine to repair any injuries. It can also boost the flow of endorphins in your body, making you feel good.

If you can’t afford or spare the time for a massage therapist then indulge in a massage chair at home, it will help.


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