Things to Consider Before Going under the Needle

Before Going under the Needle

Testing out a new serum or moisturizing cream is not a major decision, but cosmetic facial injectables are a different story. They have long-lasting effects and can result in complications in inexperienced hands, so they require more thought and research before taking the plunge. If you are thinking about getting injectables Alpharetta, below are important facts to consider.

The one behind the needle

The success of these cosmetic treatments largely depends on who is doing them, and the remaining percentage depends on the product. For this reason, you want to ensure that you work with certified medical personnel such as a dermatologist, doctor, or nurse. Be sure to inquire about credentials, their training, and how long they have administered aesthetic injections. Ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients who have undergone a similar procedure; this will help you see the possible outcome. Once you have settled on one service provider, do not rush. Book an appointment for a consultation to discuss your desires and expectations. You also want to take time and think about it before scheduling the actual procedure.


It is vital to have realistic expectations going into treatment. Therefore, you want to share your goals with your doctor. Bringing pictures of your favorite celebrities may not be as helpful as finding a photo where you love how you look. A picture of yourself in your 20s might be particularly helpful since your face is at its fullest. That gives you a more realistic reference point and allows your doctor to understand better how to enhance your natural features. It is also important to go in with an open mind since the doctor sees your face in a three-dimensional way, different from how you see it. As long as you are working with a skilled professional, be willing to listen to their recommendations even if you didn’t have such ideas initially.

The type of product

There are different cosmetic injectables available that you may know, and it is important to know your options. For example, Botox is a household name for neurotoxin, but it is not the only botulinum toxin available; there are other brands, such as Xeomin and Dysport. While the brand names differ, the content is similar. Most dermatologists agree that the different brands offer the same results, but it is still worth asking your provider about the brand they are planning on using.

Do’s and don’ts before and after the injection.

Injectables are minimally invasive and are usually performed in minutes. But still, individuals need to adhere to pre and post-treatment guidelines to achieve the best outcome and avoid potential complications. As for botulinum toxin injections, there is nothing you need to do before the treatment. Restrictions apply after the procedure; you shouldn’t exercise or rub the injection site to avoid spreading the toxin to other body areas. If you are getting fillers, you will need to avoid taking fish oil supplements, and medicines like aspirin, Advil, Motrin, and Aleve; these have blood-thinning properties and increase your risk of bleeding and bruising.

If you have any questions about injectables, consult your SafiraMD Medical Aesthetics and Wellness Center specialist.


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