When and Why You Should Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

This post was last updated on December 14th, 2022

Car Accident Lawyer

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Are you wondering whether or not you should contact a car accident lawyer? If so, then you should read this article. The following are seven tips on when and why you should contact a car accident lawyer immediately:

  1. You are a Victim of an Accident

If you or your loved one has been involved in a car accident resulting in injuries or property damage, you should immediately contact a car accident lawyer. Experienced lawyers have represented many car accident victims and their families. They can help you find not only justice but also the optimum possible compensation that you deserve for the difficulties you suffered due to the accident.

  1. The Insurance Company Denies Your Claim

In the instance you are uncertain about dealing with an insurance company or the insurance is denying your claim or offering you a low settlement. You should contact a car accident lawyer. An attorney can review your case and determine if the insurance company is acting in bad faith. If so, the lawyer can take legal action against the insurance company and get you the compensation you deserve.

  1. You’re Not Sure What Your Rights are

It is crucial that you understand your rights after a car accident. Unfortunately, many people do not, and they end up getting taken advantage of by other parties. If you are unsure of your rights or what you should do next, then it is wise to contact a car accident lawyer for guidance.

  1. You Missed Time from Work Due to the Accident

Unfortunately, many people miss time from work after a car accident. This can lead to lost wages and put a severe financial burden on you and your family. Luckily, an attorney can help you get compensated for your lost wages.

  1. You Want to File a Lawsuit

Victims of car accidents often want to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver. If you are considering this, then it is best to speak with an attorney first. They will be able to tell you if filing a lawsuit is in your best interest and guide you through the process. Furthermore, an experienced attorney will know how to gather evidence and build a solid case to your advantage.

  1. The Statute of Limitations is Almost Up

When it comes to car accident claims, there is a time limit known as the statute of limitations. This is the timeframe in which you have to file a claim. If you wait too long, you could lose your right to compensation. Therefore, if the statute of limitations is fast approaching or has already passed, you should contact an attorney to get expert advice on the way forward.

  1. You’re Not Happy with Your Current Attorney

Finally, although it is rare, if you’re not happy with your current attorney or feel like they are not doing a good job, then you should contact another reputable car accident lawyer. An experienced lawyer will be able to help you get the justice you deserve.


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